Eshopps Takes 1st In Show at Expo

by | Mar 5, 2012 | Events, Fish | 0 comments


This years Global Pet Expo was held in Orlando Florida from February 29th to March 2nd. For those who do not know, the Expo is comparable to the MACNA of the pet product manufacturer and buyers/suppliers world. Sponsored by the Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA) the event is not open to the general public and is exclusive to manufacturing companies and the companies that buy the product to resell to we the hobbyists. It is an event where new, innovative products are unveiled and displayed, deals are made and awards are given for the best. This year my good friends at Eshopps Inc. took home the Best in Show Award in the aquatics division.

This year Eshopps won the award for their creativly designed aquarium accessories, the Eshopps Jellyfish and Eshopps Lionfish.  This comes as no suprise considering these innovative aquarium decorations have been a smashing success since the company released them.  I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard someone say “Oh my God! They have a jellyfish!” If you’ve never seen one of these unique decorations swaying in the flow of a saltwater aquarium pumps in person, I can assure that even at close distance they appear to be very real and very much alive!

The gel like creations ripple and appear to move as the the current in the aquarium sways them about. The almost invisible nylon chord anchor keeps them upright and in a realatively small area, enhancing the illusion.

Congratulations Eshopps! Keep the innovation rolling. I’m very interested in seeing what new, hot item you will come up with next. The rumors are still flying concerning the Nano Skimmer but in true Eshopps fashion, Louie is keeping his lips zipped on that one. Friends of mine that actually attended the Expo claim to have seen the proto-type in person so there is hope yet.

  • Michael D. Phelps

    I'm an 18 year old with 26 years of experience. I live in the southeast corner of South Dakota with my wife, the 3 of 7 children who still live at home, two dogs and a whole bunch of fish. I've been keeping fish prisoner in glass boxes for 37 years.

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