Fish Tank Kings video clips of premiere episode featuring Marlins Stadium aquarium

by | May 1, 2012 | Advanced Aquarist | 0 comments

Fish Tank Kings video clips of premiere episode featuring Marlins Stadium aquarium

Will the aquarium withstand an All Star’s arm?

Before watching the videos, we suggest you first read Advanced Aquarist’s article about the Marlins Stadium aquarium build.  While this build has stirred some controversy over the well-being of its inhabitants, the video clips show both LCA and the Miami Marlins organization placed considerable consideration on protecting the aquarium and livestock.

The first video shows Living Color Aquarium’s Mat demonstrating the durability of the tank’s Lexan shield to Miami Marlins President David Samson and EVP Claude DeLorme. In the second video, the aquarium is put to the test by Marlins first baseman Gaby Sanchez.

Fish Tank Kings will premiere on May 12, 2012 at 10pm on Nat Geo TV.  Read about Fish Tank Kings.

  • Leonard Ho

    I'm a passionate aquarist of over 30 years, a coral reef lover, and the blog editor for Advanced Aquarist. While aquarium gadgets interest me, it's really livestock (especially fish), artistry of aquariums, and "method behind the madness" processes that captivate my attention.

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