Focus on Fish – Leopard Wrasse

by | Feb 10, 2018 | Fish | 0 comments

leopard wrasse
Some reef keepers out there are considered wrasse guys or gals and feature as many of these beautiful creatures as they can in their reef tanks. I don’t consider myself to be a wrasse guy or wrasse head (excuse the pun, but I like the Grateful Dead) but I do come close. The different species of Leopard Wrasse have always fascinated me with their striking colors and detailed patterns and, as a result, have always roamed my reefs.

Generally, Leopard Wrasses can be tricky and difficult to keep but there are a few things one can do to optimize the chance for success. One key is having an established sand bed with a healthy pod population that will help keep these fish fat and happy. Leopard Wrasses MORE


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