" The bristleworms are not called fireworms just because of their
bright orange and red colors. The fine, needle-like bristles are
hollow and contain a potent venom. The sting caused by these worms
feel like fire and last a long time. Don't handle them with bare
hands. The common Caribbean species is the fireworm, Hermodice
carunculata, in the family Amphinomidae. Several other species of
fireworms in this family may occasionally show up in marine tanks,
and all are dangerous. The orange bristle worm, Eurythoe
complanata, is common in rocks around coral reefs. It is a long,
segmented orange worm with a line of short white bristles on each
side. This species can easily reproduce in marine aquariums, and
rocks and filter beds may develope large populations of this
polychaete bristleworm. (Moe, p.450)
Found here:
One last link that vividly describes the diferences as well as the comon missconception caused by the loose term "fire worm".
http://saltaquarium.about.com/cs/msubpe ... 102198.htm
Man..... I am through looking up stuff on worms!!! LOL!!!
Just dont touch it!! LOL!!