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Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
HenryC":3n5jfhkc said:
Not only does it appear that he has "a few", but it also appears that hes a bit of a smartass too
:) :D :)

Jeeze, you waltzed right into that one.......i couldn't help myself! 8)


Well, I did not know you were culturing them on purpose. As long as you consider them in your bioload, go for it.

I actually prefer to have fish and corals as my major bioload, but I do see the benefit of culturing worms....I guess....


Active Reefer
mr_X":1i8tgb9y said:
SeahorseWhisperer_":1i8tgb9y said:
It does appear that you have quite a few, but I have found that they only survive as long as there is food available. As soon as the food gets slim, they will start getting fewer...
did you go to school for that kind of wisdom?
show me a species that does well without food.
:lol: :) :lol: :)

Thats just funny! :D


Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
i feed my tank heavily. i have 180 gallons total volume, and i believe these worms are necessary for the overall health of my tank.
all of these worms together wouldn't amount to the bio load of one medium sized tang.


Experienced Reefer
Holy shnikeys! I had one or two in my previous tank, but that's unreal, X! I've never seen that many bristleworms in one space before. I'd like to get a couple for my 'fuge now, but I can't seem to find any in the tank. They may be there, though. Aren't they more or less nocturnal?


Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
well, this is a closeup of my refugium. i feed them once in a while right in this general area, so i assume most of the worms stay on this side of the tank. light or dark, they don't care what time dinner is :wink:

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