If you mean dependant, specifically dependant, then this is an incorrect term.
Bacteria are able to grow and not grow (become stationary). In both cases they are living. By adding a high energy carbon source, all you are doing is promoting growth of all bacteria present. For example in the case of sugar, sucrose would be used by almost all bacteria. Does this mean that they become dependant on sucrose, well not really, when the sucrose is exhausted then the bacterial growth will also become exhausted. However adding another carbon source, glycerol for example, would cause the whole growth spurt to occur all over again. If you mean in general that bacteria are dependant on a carbon source (any source) then I guess you could say that they are dependant. But it is like saying humans are addicted/dependant to oxygen.
Like us, bacteria (all species) will use whatever "food" is available at the time to reproduce, i.e. grow.