Mathematical Model of a Foam Fractionator Used in Aquaculture
- 1Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 USA 2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803–6405 USA 3Stearns and Wheler Environmental Engineers, Cazenovia. New York 13035 USA
The foam enrichment process occurs as bubbles travel from the bottom of a fractionator column to the top of the water column. Factors affecting bubble enrichment include several operating or design parameters under operator control or influence, e.g, water pH, gas bubble size, airflow rates, and fractionator geometry. Predictive relationships were developed to describe these effects and are considered generally applicable to predict the foam enrichment process. Predicting the actual operation of a specific foam fractionator requires additional mathematical expressions to model the foam collection process and removal from the top of the water column.
An integrated photobioreactor and foam fractionation unit for the growth and harvest of
Chaetoceros spp. in open systems
Andrew Csordas
a and Jaw-Kai Wang
The separation of cells from large volume cultures by centrifugation is a costly and time-consuming process that has prompted the exploration of alternative propitious separation strategies. Foam fractionation is a technique that can be used to concentrate large cell culture volumes, significantly decreasing centrifugation time requirements. A foam fractionation system is relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain. This study was aimed at empirically determining optimal levels of the major factors influencing foam fractionation of the marine diatom
Chaetoceros spp. in a pilot scale, open culture, integrated photobioreactor and foam fractionation unit.
The experimental system consisted of eight 220 l fiberglass photobioreactors that served as growth chambers and foam fractionating units. Bubble size, air flow rate (AFR), cell density (CD), overflow height (OH), pH and foam fractionation run time (RT) were factors investigated while harvesting the outdoor open cultures. Flocculating agents and surfactants were not added to the diatom cultures at any time. Experiments were conducted to determine how variable levels influence dry weight yield, harvesting efficiency (HE) and foam volume collected. Experimentally determined setpoints resulted in harvesting efficiencies exceeding 90% while extracting less than 12% of the total culture volume in a period of 30 min. These results indicate that foam fractionation is a practical tool for harvesting
Chaetoceros spp. diatoms.
Rintu Banerjee1, Rajeev Agnihotri1 and B. C. Bhattacharyya1
(1) Biotechnology unit Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, 721302 Kharagpur, India
Received: 26 November 1992
Abstract Studies on the cost effective purification method is very much essential for the industrially important enzyme like protease. As foam fractionation is an important technique in downstream processing of the biologicals, purification of the crude proteolytic enzyme produced by Rhizopus oryzae has been attempted using converging-diverging foam fractionator. The effects of different parameters studied on the purification efficiency by foam fractionation were pH of the broth, air flow rate, initial liquid height. The results obtained were found quite encouraging at pH 10 with 1 LPM of air flow rate at low initial liquid height.
By J. Charles Delbeek
Foam Fractionation
A method of chemical filtration that has been available for decades but only recently has become popular is foam fractionation (protein skimming). A foam fractionator consists of a column through which a very fine mixture of air and water is pumped. If you have spent any time along an ocean shore, you may have noticed varying amounts of foam. This foam is produced by the action of the waves, which combines air, water and certain polar organics to form a stable foam. A foam fractionator works in a similar manner. If the foam is collected, proteins and other organics can removed from the water before they are mineralized into nitrogen-containing compounds and other toxins. As a result, the quality of the tank water is improved and is easier to maintain.
Of the various chemical filtration methods available, only foam fractionation completely removes most organics before they begin to break down (Moe, 1989). The list of substances removed by fractionation includes amino acids, proteins, metals such as copper and zinc complexed with the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, phosphate, iodine, fatty acids and phenols. A more detailed discussion of foam fractionators, including their operation and construction, will appear in a future issue of AFI.