I've had 2 seperate stealth kill my fish when they went bad. One got stuck on ON while I was at work, and I came home to fish soup.;( This occured about 5 years ago.
This could have been avoided with a controller.
The second no controller would have saved the fish as it just got a pinhole in it that leaked something into the tank which also killed 80% of my fish. This one just happened this past April. I have a thread somewhere on MR concerning this disaster.
I wish you all the best with your choice, but please do put them on some sort of controller.
What's a while Reef Reaper? If you don't have your's on a controller already, I highly recommend it.
Coming home to your price Lion Fish that you housed for years, and raised from a 2" baby to a 10" beauty floating in a tank whose water couldn't even be measured by the tank thermometer is not the best!
The built in controller in all heaters will FAIL, some sooner than others.
External controllers like a Neptune controllers, Reef Keeper, and Ranco are much more reliable. You can get a fairly sophisticated light timer and temperature controller like RKLite for around a hundred dollars, really hard to beat that.
I like titanium encased heater element better, no seals or glass to break.
Awibrandy, I think 7 years for my freshwater and three years for the salt. I just install a ViaAqua titanium heater in my main salt though. If more people have issues with this heater, I may switch over. Thanks!
ReefReaper, any heater can malfunction! I just recommend controllers for them, and constant inspections to try and wurd off any nightmares like the ones I have been through.
I have been using them in my cichlid tanks for several years and never had a a problem. I like how it has that plastic design and is unbreakable. I had 1 in my tank with my monsters as well and when you have softball size silver dollars darting back and forth like torpedoes slamming into it it's good because if it was glass I would have to replace a heater once a week! Not to mention I had large severums ,parrots and other big aggressive fish and they would get routty! Never had an issue I use them on most of my tanks.1 time when I was doing a water change I had shut my strip off when I needed the light I turned it back on and forgot the damn heater was plugged in..it was running dry for a few hours I smelled something burning and couldn't figure out what the hell it was..then I realized it was my heater melting my container of cichlid buffer! lol and still it works like brand new. It's luck of the draw with anything you buy..some people buy a car and have issues with it w/in the 1st 2 weeks, another person could buy that same car and never have an issue. Some people smoke and get cancer in 10-20 years..some of them live to be 100. Ya never know. IMO it's a pretty damn good heater..I know alot of heaters if they are run dry you can toss them cuz they blow up. Plus like I said it's shatterproof unlike a magority of heaters which are glass.
1 last little tid bit especially for newbies. If you are using ANY heater in sump be careful with placement because it will melt your sponge!
I have two stealth heaters in my tank, but I keep both controlled with my Reef Keeper Lite. They're pretty new and I have had good experiences with Visitherm in the past, but it puts my mind at ease =X
With all the money we all spend on our tanks, I would recommend a controller.
Maybe a reefkeeper lite. thats what i just got.
But in all honesty its not a matter of if, but when.
and they do fail.
for a crappy 30-50$ heater you can and may ruin a $5-500,000 tank.
Kinda like idiot insurance.