A month ago my Nitrate was @ 80, after 2 weeks of large water changes (10g) twice a week and then 2 weeks of large water changes (8-9g) once a week, I am pleased to say I have gotten my Nitrate down to 10 ppm as of today. Posted my results below. Testing with API Kit, I'm told its the most accurate but its what I have for now. Thank you to all that gave me advance and encouragement. Much appreciated
Will continue to work to getting to 5 ppm and lower but my goal was 10 and so I'm happy :spin:
Now what can I do about lowering my phosphate?
Water Tested
SG 1.025
High Range pH 8.3
Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate 10 ppm
Calcium 460
Phosphate .025 ppm