After i lost my 220 Gal. (Dino flanges) i realize i lost my Bio , i use only Tonga, lot of SPS most large colony's, 14x 16, 10x8, 5x5 4 clamps etc. i buy 660 Gal. Pukani, i start again (300 Gal.) i don't use all now, i got also 2 MarinePure 8x8x4 , i try the export PO4 , for almost 2 months, i try dif. water flow, dif. place , some brown stuff invade my swamp, brown all over, even now after i remove i still have some brown, i still have both bags 700 gr. each, if you like to try i will give one for free, i go dif. direction, i build Algae Scrubber and grow Chaeto and DSB one 90 gal fuge, i got around 500 Gal. of water, Nitrate undetectable , PO4 i have to buy the Ultra Low Hanna, the standard show me " zero" the UL i got 2 ppb ( the low ever, i do NOT feed the fish for 2 days) now i try to balance the PO4 just by , how much i feed, i would like 0.02-0.03 ppm, but i need more time to find the "menu" for my fish, i combine food, never same food, worst coming the worst i may give upon some fishes , the problem is ..... I love all.
Like i said fell free to call me (347-491-0417 Vio) if you want to give a try to "export PO4"