thanks jim, and everyone else who respondednot sure I have EVER dipped a coral. SOAKED, maybe, but dipped, never.
Each animal could/should have unique quarantine methodologies -
For clams, I do a PH and temperature balanced RO/DI SOAK for 30 minutes with ALL clams. Whether this is acceptable or not, I am not sure, seems to be working thus far.
Scoly's and hammers are prone to planaria and many other pests. For those LPS, I do a series of SOAKS - never fresh water and always flat worm exit in the bag when they arrive (during temperature acclimation). Then revive and a short dip in melafix or pimafix (whichever I have in house at the time).
Acro's get Tropic Marin Pro for 30 mins, tank water for 30 minutes and revive for 15 minutes. I don't treat at point of entry for red bugs because I prophylactically treat for red bugs every 3 months like clockwork.
Zoos get the same flat worm exit treatment, a fresh water dip and then a concentrated dip in lugols - after that, they get a Furhan II dip and into the tank they go.
Hope that helps,
30 minutes in Pro-Cure - how long do the SPS brown out for?
So iodine dip is only for softies, zoos and shrooms? not for scelertans as well? Also, I like to quarantine my corals for a few days to watch for hitchhikers but dont have an extra light for the quarantine tank ( same one I use for fish and haven't medicated it ). How long can the corals go for without direct light ( the tank is close enough to the DT to get some incidental light )?
I do about a 30 minute dip as well, and have not had any "brown out" issues.
I stopped buying shrimp.
Tropic Marin Pro-cure's label says its an iodine preparation so why not use regular lugol's? What is in interceptor and revive?
What should I do for softies other than zoo's?
SPS other than acros and monti?
Wes i do just about the same as you do, and after i dip the corals in interceptor for about 1 hour. If people want to stay away from AEFW, Just stay away from corals Acros From BALI. Trust me, Other who might have them in there tanks is another story.i do 10-15 minute Pro cure dips like the bottle recommends. Most acros show no signs of stress, but I have had a couple "Fade out" and have lost 2 frags to the dip. The ones that fade eventually color back up..It's worth the piece of mind.
Keep in mind the Pro-Cure does not kill red bugs. Somehow they manage to survive the dip and get in my system and I have had to treat a few times. No biggie, I stopped buying shrimp.
I only dip SPS