I have a 90 gallon RR for display, with 1" drain and 3/4" return. Sump is 29 gallon, measuring 30" x 12" x 18". My return pump is Eheim 1262. I will be using Eheim 2217 cannister for Purigen and Carbon also. My current skimmer is Marine Technical Concepts Model - TM3000, looks like a hang-on skimmer, not sure if i can use it submerge. I'm sure I will upgrade the skimmer in the future, so I hope to have some room in the sump. I am thinking about "T"ing off my drain, one to skimmer chamber and the other to the fuge chamber with ball-valve. I've been researching and I'm thinking about:
drain -> skimmer -> return <- fuge <-drain
drain -> return <- skimmer <- fuge <- drain
Any advice is welcome. Please let me know if you need any other info. Thanks.