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- Old Bethpage
Ever since I started the hobby 6 years ago, I've always wanted to get an RO/DI system. But,...............the wife. *Sigh*. Wife did not want the tank under the sink. No ifs, ands, or buts. Went back and forth on this one. I lost:smash:. Hehe. Ok, so my bro in law introduced me to the Kold Steri unit. Great unit. No waste water. I mounted it under the kitchen sink cabinet. The only thing is the TDS meter reads 24. I've been battling cyano on and off, kinda like a seasonal thing but I've had it. I have lost some corals to that wicked stuff and I have since been keeping on a strict maintenance(don't over feed, reg water changes) and I am on the way to stable water parameters (nitrates 0 phosphates 0, PH 8.1 to 8.3, MG 1300, etc. All ELOS tests). The only thing left is the water source. Now I can't lug water from an LFS due to a permanent knee injury and I can't set it up in the basement with a rubbermaid and lug water up the stairs either. After reading that a DI resin will lower my TDS to or near 0, I was gonna get a single stage canister and put it after the Kold Steril. During one of my many trips to LFS's, I saw a unit at Pets Warehouse that caught my eye...Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Tap Water Filter which is a portable DI resin canister that connects to the tap water faucet. Instead of doing that, I am going to use a flexible clear hose from my Kold Steril faucet and use an adapter that connects to the AP Tap Water DI filter and let it slow fill a 24 gallon rubber maid on wheels (not allowed to keep that upstairs either.:irked
I will let you all know how it works out. Which reminds me, gotta buy another TDS meter for the final stage water. *crossing fingers*.