Thank you Chris and Len 8)
Mr. McFeely":3huez84r said:Err, how do I hotlink an image?
Thanks!Lawdawg":1c8odagx said:Mr. McFeely":1c8odagx said:Err, how do I hotlink an image?
You find an image you want to link to..say at this web address:
http://www.thelasvegasadventurer.com/wp ... _bunny.jpg
You go to the post a reply box, look at the boxes at the top and click on the one that says Img, it pops up with these tags: [ img][/img] (I put a space in the first one so you'll see it).
You paste the web address of the picture you want to hotlink in between the middle set of braces:
[ img]http://www.thelasvegasadventurer.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/easter_bunny.jpg[/img]
which when posted looks like this:
newron6":a29kgsj1 said:i am omer from israel i post here that you can give help to build my coral aquarium
my aquarium zise that i think about is 78x31x27
my return pump from the sump is sunsun pump jp-10000 l/ hr
Len":16imt92q said:Guy":16imt92q said:Is there any way to not see the ignorant, stupid, asinine, spiteful threads that have been started by people on your FOE list?
Nope. Thread topics can't be hidden.
Len":2jbx1yrr said:Actually, it's only related to the specific service (in this case, the search function). Reloading the search a second time should work since your first request will have started the service.