Awilda, that is because NYC's water tunnels have been under massive re-construction for decades and this year they are connecting the new water tunnel #3 to the citys water supply.
(The original water tunnels were constructed out of coblestones and are still in operation although most likely leaking more water then they supply)
The original water tunnels can not be turned off for inspection because the valves which have been dormant for decades don't work.
Our tunnels used to be the longest tunnels in the world. I think they are 22 miles long and 900' below the city. I have been in one of them and they are huge and deep.
Can you imagine the sediment in a cement tunnel 22 or 27 miles long constructed mostly out of concrete?
The water is not filtered and gets here just the way it comes from the resivour. It is treated with chemicals but not filtered for particles. So in 50 or so years, it will be particle free as long as you keep cleaning it out of your faucet strainer.