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I have the 6 stage Aquasafe RO.DI unit and notice the waste water is coming out much more then the water I am filling my tub with. Anyone else notice this?


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Monroe, NY
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Oh yeah forgot about that.

This past winter I set the RO up in the garage to fill up storage tanks. At first I was getting like a 6:1 ratio. Following some good advice, I added something like 200 feet of hose on the input. I submerged that in a five gallon bucket full of water with a heater. In no time the filter was operating normally.



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Long Island
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I really wish there was something else on the market that didn't produce that much "waste" water. Does anyone know of such a RODI unit?
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Recommended waste to permeate (RO purified water) is 4:1. Anything between 3:1 and 5:1 is fine. Higher than that and you're wasting water, lower than that and you'll shorten the life of your membrane.

Yes - the ratio may climb considerably in winter when tap water temperatures drop.

You can try the approach of plastic tubing in a bucket - but if you proceed as suggested above - 200 feet of tubing in a bucket of warm water, you'll note a significnt dip in pressure. Pressure and temperature are the two factors that most affect the volume of water produced by these sytems.

Another option - for those who are "advanced users," is an adjustable flow restrictor.

Russ @
Buckeye Field Supply
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Fairfield NJ
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What is your water pressure at. I have the same unit. It does do a 1 to 4 ratio. You may want to go where you purchased it and get the electric pump they offer. if your PSI isnt the highest.


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The amount of waste water isn't related to the number of filters. It's basically a matter of how much pressure there is to "push" water through the RO membrane. The reason warmer water is more efficient is because it's "softer;" the colder the water is, the closer it is to ice, which obviously woundn't go through any membrane. As far as I know, the only way to really improve this is to add a pump to force water across it. They run from 80-100 dollars. If you use a pressure reservoir for your drinking water, you can try a permeate pump. I have one. They are cheaper (~$50) and don't need to be plugged in. They use the pressure from waste water to force water into the reservoir. They have no effect if you just catch your water in a bucket.

Some people use the waste water for other stuff, like watering gardens, filling swimming pools, etc. It's really not that much worse than tapwater. I tried to save some of the waste water once, with disastrous results that I'll post one day.

Hope this helps.



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I think the RODI is overrated. People still having problems with their water. I setup my tank almost 3 months. I just use the tap water filter with stresscoat and I don't have any algae at all. My fishes and lived rocks looks good and healthy. So why we have to use RODI ???????????????
Howell, NJ
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Deadfish before you go an bash something that is very important to a REEF tank i would do some research here by using the search button up top, or visiting google.com and searching the benefits of RODI... there is alot of other crap that us REEFERS do no want in our REEF TANKS from tap water...

there are many benefits to using RODI one being clean pure H20 for my fishies and Corals... ;)


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Deadfish before you go an bash something that is very important to a REEF tank i would do some research here by using the search button up top, or visiting google.com and searching the benefits of RODI... there is alot of other crap that us REEFERS do no want in our REEF TANKS from tap water...

there are many benefits to using RODI one being clean pure H20 for my fishies and Corals... ;)

No disrespect to RODI. I am just try to give the members my opinion. Also I know about RODI and I don't have to go to GOOGLE. You should know our MF members always have the algae, nitrate............problems. So can you tell me why people still have the problems. Are they doing other things wrong? If the RODI and the tapwater filter have the same problems, what's the point to waste 2/3 water. I think you are a little sensiitive.:grumpy: :grumpy:


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No disrespect to RODI. I am just try to give the members my opinion. Also I know about RODI and I don't have to go to GOOGLE. You should know our MF members always have the algae, nitrate............problems. So can you tell me why people still have the problems. Are they doing other things wrong? If the RODI and the tapwater filter have the same problems, what's the point to waste 2/3 water. I think you are a little sensiitive.:grumpy: :grumpy:
i dont believe he is being sensitive just conservitive in his approach to the well being of his corals and fish.i guess being that this is such an expensive hobby one would take precaution.i agree with him but i guess my actions dont because i still use tap.dont ask me why.it is on the top of my list.anyway i want to get an ro setup and soon will but for the time being i have to constantly battle one problem after the other and it has become quite the pain in the @$$,things that i know would not happen with an ro system.
Howell, NJ
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No disrespect to RODI. I am just try to give the members my opinion. Also I know about RODI and I don't have to go to GOOGLE. You should know our MF members always have the algae, nitrate............problems. So can you tell me why people still have the problems. Are they doing other things wrong? If the RODI and the tapwater filter have the same problems, what's the point to waste 2/3 water. I think you are a little sensiitive.:grumpy: :grumpy:

sensitive NO! Smart i would say yes.... as i have said i as well as other smart reefers prefer less crap in our tanks... Do what works for u... of course people still get algae, nitrates and such because there are many other causes of it (for ex. over feeding, bioload, phosphates ect) but i know that rodi is def. one less problem down the road ;)..

im not trying to argue wit u here but trying to make the newer members on the board who know a lil less about the saltwater hobby make a good choice and to likely be more succesfull in the hobby with getting a rodi..
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Forest Hills
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glad your sucessful in your reef with tap. I would drop my ro/di too if i dont think i need it. i have done reef with n w/o rodi a few yrs back . i had about 3x more green agea n my rocks turn partially black. brown algea stays about the same. I'm very interested in your tank (ie size,setup,fish,corals) but almost 3 months is still a bit early to make any presumptions on the sucess of using tap. pls post a few pics of your tank.
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Nona and WX -
The good news: You likely paid rock bottom price for those units.

The not so good news:
1. Is that a pressure guage I see? If so, it is installed in the wrong location. It should be installed between the last prefilter and the RO in port.
2. The horizontal DI is a fundamental design no-no. You can eaily take your existing DI unit, dismount it from your system and mount it vertically. Configure it so you get bottom up flow through the DI resin.
3. The taste and order cartridge (it's GAC) after the DI resin is counterproductive. The water coming out of the DI is as clean as you can get it with that system - recommend you remove the horizontal post-DI from the system.

Russ @ BFS


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No disrespect to RODI. I am just try to give the members my opinion. Also I know about RODI and I don't have to go to GOOGLE. You should know our MF members always have the algae, nitrate............problems. So can you tell me why people still have the problems. Are they doing other things wrong? If the RODI and the tapwater filter have the same problems, what's the point to waste 2/3 water. I think you are a little sensiitive.:grumpy: :grumpy:

I used to be you, then a thread on here changed my mind about tap water. Plus, I make my own drinking water too. Do a search for my name. In the long run, your tank will inevitably be harmed by the tap water, not just that you don't have algae. Also, if you have any fish, they won't last too long. Ask me how I know.

To the OP, there should be a "screw" like adjuster which I think I saw in the pic that reduced waste water & increases the PSI to the membrane. I was getting too much waste water too until I figured this out.


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I used to be you, then a thread on here changed my mind about tap water. Plus, I make my own drinking water too. Do a search for my name. In the long run, your tank will inevitably be harmed by the tap water, not just that you don't have algae. Also, if you have any fish, they won't last too long. Ask me how I know.

To the OP, there should be a "screw" like adjuster which I think I saw in the pic that reduced waste water & increases the PSI to the membrane. I was getting too much waste water too until I figured this out.

You mentioned a screw like adjuster? Where is that located? Thanks

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