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north babylon
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Im setting up a 90 gallon reef got 2 whisper filters a gravel filter with 2 power heads t5 lighting moon lights and a canister filter I have 3 questions 1 what kind of protein skimmer can i need 2 can i hook it up to the canister and what eles should I have


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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That's a long sentence.

Do you have a sump? If not, you'll need a hang-on-back skimmer. You won't be able to hook up a skimmer to your canister filter. Most reefers don't use canisters because they can become nitrate sinks.


MR's Greatest Member
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^ what he said, try to get a reef ready tank if it is in your budget, if not you will need a hang on back skimmer. You might want to add a hob fuge as well. Reef octopus makes some nice HOB skimmers.


Advanced Reefer
Sound Beach,LI
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A sumo is another tank that sits under your main tank and its baffled off to create chambers. Those chambers are used to house equipment such as heaters, protein skimmer, reactors,etc. A fuge can also be incorporated. A refugium is an area that you keep macro algae in for natryal filtration. It also houses tiny critters that help maintain you system.
Reef tanks are a very delicate ecosystem. If you don't do any research, your gonna waste alot of money and time. Patience and knowledge are the two biggest things you can have in this hobby, beside money lol. Hth


Winter. Time for Flakes..
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Sure you can... Magazine worthy... probably more than likely no, unless you are spending an exuberant amount of money to hide everything. Then for the right amount of money anything can happen.


Advanced Reefer
Union County, NJ
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reef ready is just a tank which is pre drilled with an overflow box for a sump.

I have had a few reef tanks with no sump and non-reef tanks from PETCO. its possible, just requires more attention and more frequent water changes.

like others have said the more $$ you spend the nicer your tank can be, but i find that its usually more $$= less work (more automated)


Active Reefer
north babylon
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Well then besides the protein skimmer any other suggjestions I bade one fish store tell me to hook up 1 canister into a sump then return it with another canistor what set up should I need I was told not to use a undergravel filter and I had a fish store tell me to along with a nitrate filter


Advanced Reefer
Union County, NJ
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under gravel filters are for freshwater tanks, definitely do not use those.

And obviously live rock, the rock is where most of the filtration happens anyway. the bacteria is what turns the fish waste into less harmful nitrates.

canister filter is personal choice, ive used a canister filter but eventually turned it into a carbon reactor. Canister filter will never be even close to as good filter as the bacteria within the rock.

Skimmer is definitely something your going to want. its not necessary but if you are planning on having a large bio load (lots of fish + food for fish= fish crap and uneaten food) definitely makes maintenance easier.

Since you dont have a sump your going to need a HOB (hang on back) skimmer.

Seems like you had a few fresh water tanks, reef tanks need alot more water flow, circulation pumps are necessary to help with flow.


Active Reefer
north babylon
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Yes did a lot of fresh last was brackish with chiclids had the crushed coral and live rock from another salt now I was role i can use my power usada for circulation how can i get a sump my friend that has done salt said I can run the canister info the sump like a pump set up sump and have a return pump to put it back in


Advanced Reefer
Rocky Point, NY
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Also, that's what this forum is for...you don't have to take advice from a LFS employee who doesn't know, doesn't care or just wants to SELL regardless of the impact on your tank and wallet. People here will give real life experience and advice.

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