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I have been on neighbors generator, he shuts it off at midnight and I put on battery operated air pump in between. I could only get 6 d batterys that I wired together . The temp drops also. I hope power comes back soon. I am in Tottenville S.I and was very lucky considering my location close to the shore. After seeing houses washed away
Ill take losing fish and corals.; this was a house a few blocks away.


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Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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I have been on neighbors generator, he shuts it off at midnight and I put on battery operated air pump in between. I could only get 6 d batterys that I wired together . The temp drops also. I hope power comes back soon. I am in Tottenville S.I and was very lucky considering my location close to the shore. After seeing houses washed away
Ill take losing fish and corals.; this was a house a few blocks away.

Omg...that's insane! The amount of damage caused by this storm is truly unbelievable! Hope your tank pulls through...


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Brooklyn, NY
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Still no power, my generater took a ****, I was able to borw another one from my brotherinlaw and Woke up this morning to find out my return pump not working.:banghead::banghead::banghead:
I transferd my heater to my DT and have a mp40 and a mp10 running.

Really sorry to hear...hopefully you regain power soon...if there's anything that I can do to help...lmk...


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I luckily got my power back after 24 hours day before yesterday but my pico at work in long island bit the dust. Saved the two fish.

I hope everyone pulls thru. Maybe someone in queens can hold your corals

Alfredo De La Fe

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Upper West Side
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I have spent the past two days dealing with client emergencies and on the telephone with telecom carriers. Some places in Manhattan may not have power for weeks because of the flooding. Telephone service will not be restored until Monday at the earliest.


Alfredo De La Fe

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Upper West Side
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Things are very different in Europe. It is easy to upgrade the infrastructure because it was considerably "newer" to begin with. Plus, they do not have the demand we do. Over there they are very conservation conscious. The average European does not use air conditioning as an example.

Considering how many customers are serviced by ConEd and the amount of power used it is a miracle that we don't have more brown outs and black outs than we do. Manhattan is an Island (as is Long Island) and there is not a whole lot that can be done to protect power infrastructure from salt water... The blame falls on short sighted planning that did not put measures in effect to prevent such massive flooding. I was reading an article several days ago about the oyster. The oyster once served the purpose of creating "reefs" around New York which protected NY from surging waves. Between over cultivation and pollution they don't exist in significant colonies to make a difference. Why have they not created artificial reefs to serve the same purpose?



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Staten Island
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I have been on generator for fOur days. Can't understand why the hell were having a marathon when people are homeless cold no gas. I've spent about hours on gas lines just to keep this generator on. This is ridiculous they should put the resources to getting people's lives back. We should boo the idiots for not responding in a humane way. Wish I could help out more trying hard to keep positive on this whole mess.

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