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baam you should read the 1st post cause he asked also for fortunate reefers to post if they had 0% loss. :thanks:

as for me as stated only 2 corals and a apex controller so im incentive for stating that. im not trying to start a fight but trying to justify for the reefers that tryed there hardest as i did prepared and battled it out and was asked by the creator of this thread to post if 0% was lost. thats all...

my heart goes out to all who have lost and are still battling to keep there reefs alive. i posted a thread on general discussion if anyone near howell nj needs help keeping there corals alive i have room for that but not for fish. my prayers are with you all. God bless, be safe and PRAY!

Tony, my statement was directed at the ones who never lost power. Not towards the ones that busted their behind to prevent loss or the ones that made preparations.
Long Island
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Syosset Long Island no power mon 3pm-fri 6pm, tank temp went to low 60's.
I think my only fish loss was my YWG.
Inverts peppermint shrimp, a few dead snails, coco worms, feather dusters.
Coral losses Xenia all dead.
Unsure on half my zoas haven't opened yet, some SPS are looking iffy not sure if they're going to come back or not. Toadstool might be dead limp and no polyp extensions since power came back.

Not going anywhere.


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Lost power for a bit last night due to the power company working on surrounding area. Woke up this morning to a cloudy tank. Sigh. Water change and waiting is all I can do. Media change as well. Need to get poly pads.


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I think this thread is stupid i dont even know why you would make it. theres people that lost everything and they have to come here and see who got lucky and made it when they didnt? and the kid who made the thread you got power back in two days no? so what is this really for so you can see who got lucky and who didnt. really stupid thread should be taken down.

Jarrett its to find out who tanks got destroyed and now we can help rebuild there coral collection. Thats what i took out of it. It really is a helpful thread especially if you wrote down what you lost and another member can try and replace it for that person


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I know it's tough man. You should have power soon. My business is in Hicksville and an employee lives in Bethpage. There's power now. You will get power soon hopefully. My pico at work suffered a 75% loss. Saved the fish and put em in my tank at home.


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Wantagh, NY
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0% loss
120 hours without power. Power came on yesterday. We did lose a emerald Crab but i think it was just his time. I used a battery powerd air pump and my truck it has a convertor so i ran it for 10-15min then let it run on battery then started it and so on it was hell! But a lot of people have it much worse! I'm thankful for what i have.

Gonna look into a ups I've read you can charge them with solar panels, something to think about. These storms seam to becoming more frequently.


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As for the storms being more frequent you have to look back at american history and see that NY use to get hit with many many more storms like this. i remember my grandfather telling me when i was young about the snow storms they used to have and how it was close to being over his head and the power being out for weeks. all this talk on climate changes and the myan calander has got people so scared that we are taking every storm and analyzing them. mother nature is a scary thing


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Hicksville, NY
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As someone who has lost everything, I am happy to read about others who managed to save their tank. With a 3 y/o it was almost impossible to keep up with the dropping temps and lack of circulation.

I do understand what Jarrett is saying, just offering thoughts from someone less fortunate than other reefers.
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