- OK basically I've decided to set only one nano tank up for now. So I've got the two tanks, the problem is deciding which one. Here are the two choice:
- This thing is plug and play. I've already got two maxijet 900, a hydorflo, and the 1/2" locline "Y" return.
- There will be pretty much instant gratification with this one.
- I'm really into the stream-lined design.
- The stock lighting leaves a lot to be desired, tank inhabitants will be limited
- Tank only has about 21 gallon display.
- Any future mods may turn into a PITA. Such as adding fuge, skimmer, top off.
- This has major potential to be awesome.
- Will be totally customized as to what I need.
- Total volume will be close to 60 gallons
- Livestock can be whatever.
- Will be a labor of love
- Will be a labor of love
- Total cost will be exponentially bigger
- Everything has to be built. Sump, stand, hood etc.
- Who knows how long before this tank will actually see water?