I end up looking at my tank for about a 1/2 hour each day, usually in conjuction with feeding. It may be more than that, as I often lose track of time and have a nice comfortable chair in front of the tank. This doesn't account for maintance time, such as cleaning the skimmer cup, adding two part, water changes etc. etc.
my tank is in the dining area, in a big open room.
so I guess when I'm home I get to look at the tank a lot.
an average number would be about 3 hours a day.
2 of my tanks are in the living room, so I get to look at them all the time. Especially the reef, that one is first to be seen from anywhere in the room.
i would def. say i look at my tank a minimum of 2-3 hours a day cant get enough of it. i usually am right infront of it on my couch when im on the site so you could say im killing 2 birds with one stone .. its my time away from everything :lol2:
I put 6-9 but it could be more or less. I usualy look until my eyes start hurting from the lights, I do something else for a bit then go back to looking.
since i have a gf and no life, i would say around 6 hours a week mostly on fri and sat nights when instead of going out hitting on girls, im in my living room glued to my tank..oh well.
i used to all the time - but now that it's been quite a while since I've bought anything new, and that I have no more fish, hermits, snails, etc due to the mantis :irked: I don't really look at it much anymore... maybe an hour a week? The fact that it is a nano also stops me - I've seen everything there is to see in that tiny tank hundreds of times over!
Can't wait until I actually have some $$$ - but with the new apartment I am moving into I am not sure I will even be able to afford this one
Besides my bedroom, my tanks are everywhere, living room, basement, cafe I run, other cafes, karaokes or clubs I setup, ..... I would say 12 hours between work and watching.