I'm very sorry to hear of her passing. Donny, may God bless you and your family during these trying times. Kathy was always so kind, knowledgeable and helpful. She was always giving of her time on this forum. May she rest in paradise.
Donny my prayers are with you and your family. This is absolutely horrible news and I am sorry for your loss. We all lost a good friend today. I hardly ever put pics up of my tank, but your Mom after seeing my tank years ago convinced me to put in for tank of the month and subsequently interviewed me after I was selected. She will be missed.....
I never met Kathy, but you can tell she was a great person. All her posts and responds will not be forgot nor will she be forgotten. It's a sad day when we lose someone like her. Our hearts go out to her and family. I hope she wasn't in pain. MR will not be the same without her. She will be missed. Sorry for your lose.
although i never meet her she seemed like a very nice person,having gone through cancer myself i know the pain all too well, im sure that she is in a better place. may you rest in piece Cathy we will miss you.