I was in Phuket Thialand in 88, and went snorkling. I was amazed at the colors of the fish and the coral formations. So I was smitten to say the least. So being in the Navy, and on the move every few years, a tank of any sort was not in the picture. So I studied and planned for over 10 years. When I got married (92), I told my new bride about my dream, and she was against it. So I continued on my self education, and tried to sway her opinion. When we bought our first house in 96, I again expressed my desire to have a salt tank, but to no avail. In March 99, I finally convinced her into a freshwater community tank. We set up a 46 bowfront, and our daughter named all the fish. After a year with it, she started talking about salt setups. Next thing I know, she called me at work about an ad in the paper, and we purchased a 225 tank. After spending close to three months setting this thing up, we fired up the tank March 00. Once again, our daughter named the fish for us. I am more fasinated by the corals than the fish. We have had a succesfull reef tank, with only two losses since then. I firmly agree that the time I spent learning is responsible to our success. I thank goodness for MH and DSB's, and to think, at one time I thought the ultimate setup included Bio Balls and NO bulbs. So I look forward to the continued advances in this hobby.