I thank the kind gentleman that pointed this post out to me.
It started way back when I was a little girl...
I had freshwater tanks and always dreamed of salt tanks.
Over the winter, I began researching reef/FO tanks, mostly with the help of my LFS's. They told me to go with crushed coral, 80 watts of ordinary flourescents and one of them told me that I could easily get a 75g started for less than $600 (I feel your pain, James
) and they told me that there weren't really any books out there worth reading. Now this is 3 supposedly reputable LFS near me. 2 of them constantly have mass amounts of dead fish at all times of the day, any day - I understand things happen, but I assume scooping up the dead guys would be the first thing you do when you get there - not these stores. One of them sold me a powder blue as my first fish and always pushes all kinds of wacky supplements and snake oils because they are all on commission.
The other LFS has a really nice fresh water section, it seems they just threw together the salt water section as an after thought to sell to any suckers that may walk in. I actually watched a bubble tip latched onto and getting ready to eat a perc there. I guess that's what happens when you put them under 40 watts of light.
If one of my LFS's were worth a darn, I might do away with my signature. I assume that's what started this thread? I'm not attacking anyone here, no problem at all with asking anything.
I've got 3 LFS's - one's about a 3 minute walk away, one's a 10 min drive and the other's 20 minutes away. And that doesn't count petsmart and petco and a couple other little extremely filthy places nearby. I drove to NH (3 hours away) to go to a store and will try a store I've been scoping out in MA (probably 2 hours away) next.
Not long ago, someone posted a thread, it was called something like "How much is it worth to you?" And I encouraged him to pay extra and support the LFS if it's a good one. But there are, now that I'm trying to think of all the little dirty petstores too, at least 9 LFS around here and none deserve my money.
I know it's long, but hey, you asked.