<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote
Depending on how much light is on the tank, 10% could be considered signifigant. Even with the 1020w over my 120, 10% is 102w gone that i'm paying for every month! I keep the my tank completely uncovered, I've had 1 fish jump a while back but that's not cause to seal up the entire top of the aquarium, reducing gas exchange and light. Just IMO, HTH, FWIW, blah blah blah...
* clean glass only absorbs about 10% of the light passing through it, so loss of light should not be a concern.
Depending on how much light is on the tank, 10% could be considered signifigant. Even with the 1020w over my 120, 10% is 102w gone that i'm paying for every month! I keep the my tank completely uncovered, I've had 1 fish jump a while back but that's not cause to seal up the entire top of the aquarium, reducing gas exchange and light. Just IMO, HTH, FWIW, blah blah blah...