Originally posted by Modo:
[QB]I don't want to be a pesimist but if you don't trim down your fish load you are going to have some serious issues down the road.
I do agree with some extent!! but sorry to tell you that i am not planning on taking any fish back!!
The reason being is beacuse i have 5 fish that are small and not planning on adding anymore fish to this tank, and the fish are not fighting right now they seem to be very well behaved, that goes for the perc's as well i think they are getting along very well, maybee beacuse i got a smaller perc and establishing there pecking order.
This fish do not produce alot of waste, like other fish would,(larger FISH) plus with proper maintenance this can be taken care off! I do 20 to 30 % water changes every two weeks.
and all of my water parameters are very stable!
My tank is not a new one it has had time to mature!
I think i understud very well about the TANG issue and that why i took him back to the LFS.
But i know there are hundreds of people that have thrived with a system like mine or smaller (nano tanks), and had no problem, including some friends of mine from the LFS that have been in this hobby for years!
I also undertand there are allot of people who fail, but i think these are people that don't reasearch and know what type of animals they have along with the care they need.
I consider myself an avid reader and love to know more and more about this hobby, since its a never ending hobby.
But i think i have the some of the knowlege that i need to make my tank work with what i have, and if i don't then i will have to deal with it!
I know people who have more of a fish load + corals in a 14g or a 20g tank and they have never had a problem and there systems have been up for years this way. I think with the proper care and maitnance you can have a succsesful small tank!
I would love to have a bigger tank but that is impossible right now for me since i have a kid and live in a small place, plus $$$$ as well!
I am very happy with my small tank, and maybee in the future i will get a bigger tank!
By the way i have been reading and have had the interest in keeping fish since i was a small boy, know that i am older this intrest has turned into a real deal!
[ qb]<hr></blockquote>
[ April 04, 2002: Message edited by: gobyfan ]</p>