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If I've heard it once, I've heard it a million times.

"Is that a saltwater tank?"

The funny thing is, that question seems to always come after I have pointed out a few corals and shrimp...not to mention the bright blue hippo tang that just swam by!
For those of us who try to educate ourselves, but feel we can't keep up with the "marine biologist" types on this board, these are the questions that make us realize that, relative to the general public, we probably do have a lot of knowledge in our heads...there's just so much more to learn.

The other thing that gets me is after they take it all in and understand that it is a saltwater reef with corals, the first thing they do is ask, "What is that?" as they point their bony finger against the glass directing you to name the one piece of valona in your tank!
"It's beautiful!" they say. Then, they seem less impressed when you try to point out the things you are trying to grow in that glass box.

Anyway...just felt like venting/sharing...


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try telling your co-workers that you just ordered 45 lbs of live rock.


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I maintain a 120g FOWLR at a local campground store. This is their busy season. I've forgotten how many times people have asked me if those fish are for sale.


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I heard them saltwater tanks are hard to keep huh? I've got one of dem whisper 3's and a fluval, can i keep those saltwater plant things?


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I get

"I didn't know that starfish were ALIVE?"

"OHMIGOD, that thing just moved! " (re hammer coral)

And the alltime favorite,
"that cost HOW MUCH?"

the live rock one's a good one!


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One of my LFS wrote on "It is not an octopus" on their seprent star tank. They also wrote "No, it is not eating the fish" on a bubble anemone and clownfish's tank.


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Sorry for the offtopic conversation here..

Hey carpenter,

I am from Calgary too...what fish stores do you think are best/worst? whats in your tank?
Just thought i would bug you a bit.


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Dammit Hectina you beat me to it.

Every person who has seen my serpent star has said "cool, an octopus".
I have also been asked "what store did you get those decorations (the corals) at?"
"They would look cool in my (FW)tank?"
There are a lot of people out there who really have no idea about SW tanks.


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I had a guy who told me he saw a nice saltwater fish in a store. He bought it and took it home. Poured some table salt in a small tank with water and dumped the fish in.


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That is funny -
The LFS store here has marked their tanks w/ SALTWATER, FRESHWATER, CORAL FOR SALTWATER ONLY - on most all their tanks.

and the number one question I get from people.

"How do those plants live in the saltwater - and how much table salt does it take to keep one ?"

Why is their a aqauirium under the tank w/ just rock and pumps in it ?

Why does it take so much light ?

and another really good one I get -----
"THAT rock cost 50$ ? I just has purple stuff on it and a mushroom looking plant ? Why ?"

Hehe - The things I have heard, I could go on for a long long tme.


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"But if I keep adding fresh water to my tank everyday, won't I eventually have a FW tank???"



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Absolutely every nonfish person who has come here asks if the anemones are made of rubber....

Hey Spikehs...yet another Calgarian !!


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Hey, I always liked the valonia growing in my tank. It never overtook anything, and it formed some great structures that would tower up. Now, I've got 2 solitary pieces of valonia (I had 3, but somebody ate it). Don't know why everybody hates it so much, I think it's cool. HOWEVER, to add to the thread, everyone always says "LOOK, YOU HAVE A PEARL IN THERE! I THOUGHT IT NEEDED AN OYSTER TO GROW!".


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This takes the cake.. a guy walkes up to me holding a one gallon goldfish bowl and says i want that fish (pointing to a 5-6" regal tang) my first question is do you have a saltwater tank, he says no, i am going to put him in this (holding up the goldfish bowl) i said i am sorry but this fish can not go in that enviroment and me saing if you look over there one of those goldfish will do just fine. he keeps saying no insisting on the regal tang. he says how do i keep it in this bowl i say you dont he needs at least a 100 gallon established saltwater tank, and he keeps insisting so eventually i had to walk away... people just dont seem to get the point...

and oh yea this is good to. people staring at my mini reef i set up w/ cleaner shrimp in it... you mean those are living shrimp...yes they are.... you mean the same type of living shrimp that i get from the grocery store and eat..i say no, these are from reefs, and are not food.....

[ August 09, 2001: Message edited by: Stars360 ]


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"I thought you might like it so i bought you this Air operated sunken chest for your fish tank, dont you think there cool!"


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spikehs:
<STRONG>Sorry for the offtopic conversation here..

Hey carpenter,

I am from Calgary too...what fish stores do you think are best/worst? whats in your tank?
Just thought i would bug you a bit.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'll email you

Big R

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There is a chiclid tank at a local restaurant here. I have actually heard a father telling his son that it is saltwater because you can see that salt (actually just sediment) in the water.



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I was at a local bar that is located right on the water here in Michigan. Behind the bar the owner has 2 180 gallon aquariums side by side. Both are salt water! One drunk guy says to the other. Wow that is a nice looking fresh water tank, but those sure are some weird looking goldfish.

Funny thing is that this was an FO tank, with the decorative color coral and a bunch of clownfish, who these guys thought were goldfish. I wanted to turn around and say something, but just figured..nah this is just too much fun



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I often get
"WHAT?! You just spent how much $$ on those rocks?"

I can't remember how many food related comments I have received already when my co-workers are staring at the tank....
"Hey boss, Last time I went down to that suhsi place, they had this fresh abalone sashimi......"

"Boss, in a couple months, we can have a sashimi party, and we can have giant clams, abalone, live shrimp, Uni, and that purple mean fish looks great for sashimi too!...."

Its getting down to the point that I no longer feel amused when I hear these jokes. I often have to put out threat of them may not receive next pay check to put a lid on it.......

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