IMO, all urchins are like vultures. They are primarily scavengers, but will take an easy meal if they find it. That means that juicy little polyps that are easy prey will soon disappear into their mouths. I have had pencil urchins eat starfish, long spine eat xenia, yellow polyps, colonial polyps, and even chew on my clams, and pin cushion urchins that eat the same things, and then, pick up coral frags and dump them where the sun don't shine. Also, all urchins, when they get larger (and they will) will start rearranging your tank via rock slides. I have one shingle urchin in my tank that I have never seen eat anything. He comes out at night, cruises around, and in the daytime, wedges himself behind my overflow box, or into a small dark nook. It is still very small, and it looks cool, but I have no doubt that one day, I will have to banish him with the rest of the urchins to the basement pond to be trigger food (if they ever figure out that they are supposed to eat urchins). If you're interested, I'll trade you an urchin for something else so you can experience the urchin problems I have had.