I have a 25-gal reef tank, 5 years-old, with about 2 inches of 2mm-size Carib Sea crushed coral substrate, which has a lot of microfauna in it. I just added a tiger tail cuke, and learned that my current substrate may be too coarse for it to eat/digest. So, I am looking for a finer particle aragonite substrate suitable for the cuke as well as for the microfauna. I appreciate any recomm.
on what to get as well as where from (ie, mail order companies or LFS in the Sacramento area).
I am considering Carib Sea "oolytic" or sugar-sized substrate. Would this be okay?
on what to get as well as where from (ie, mail order companies or LFS in the Sacramento area).
I am considering Carib Sea "oolytic" or sugar-sized substrate. Would this be okay?