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Wow - I did not mean to open Pandora's Box, nor did I realize this topic was so hotly debated. Mine is constant (due to a top-off system) at .024, but maybe I should experiment with it a little bit. My temp stays fairly constant at 78-82. I just wanted to make sure that I was not so far off that I may be causing problems. It seems that i am at least in the same ballpark as you all. Now, if I could only score...


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Can someone tell me what 2.5 cups of Instant Ocean mixed with 5 gallons of water at 80 degrees yields in terms of specific gravity. Thanks.


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Was that hemoglobin count temperature compensated?

Anyways, I keep my S.G. at 1.025-.026 on my little plastic box. What that actually relates to in the real world, I have no idea. One of these days I'll spring for a refractometer and then I'll really know. Until then, my tanks seem to be doing well, so I'm not too worried. IMO, within a certain range, stability is much more important than a specific number (for salinity).

FWIW, I've done the number-chasing thing, and after all the angst, I learned that really looking at my tank was far more important than any specific number (is everything healthy, growing, behaving "normally"?). There are so many numbers that one can chase in this hobby, and everybody has an opinion on the "perfect" value for each. So, as it stands now, if something in one of my tanks doesn't look right, then I chase numbers....



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Humidity Oh my gosh here we go again now lets add that to the mix.... Just kidding but seriously how humid is water? Hhmmmmm

Fishdaddy thanks again for the feedback and no I did not think you were dismissing the temperature issue I just like to hear as much info on whatever the hot topic of the day is as possible so I did not want to miss a thing.

I did however forget that you also have to check your hydrometer with distilled water and adjust your readings by adding the difference between 1.000 and whatever the distilled water reads on your hydrometer. Mine with distilled water is about .997 with distilled water in it so I have to add .003 to each reading that I get to obtain a more accurate result. Not that I ever do but its good to know right... right..... anyone.... Bueler......


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I measure my salinity and then I ask my neighbor who, has no idea, what he thinks it should be. Then I devide that value by .074 and multiply by .073 and add it to my initial reading.

That usually comes to something less than I expected, but it works for me.

[ February 26, 2002: Message edited by: jethro ]</p>


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The IO bag says 1/2 cup for every gallon will get you in the ballpark. If I follow the instructions, it's usually 1.022 +/- 0.002 (typically on the watery side).

My tank is 80F and the needle stops at 1.024-1.025 on my plastic box thingy. In my experience, the ocean is 35ppm +/- 1ppm, so I don't sweat 0.001 SG one way or the other.



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Funny thing is that I had my tonsils out a week ago and have had to rush to the ER twice since due to bleeding- the first time they did emergency surgery. Yesterday when I went back in, the doctor looked at my hemoglobin count and says "well, your hemoglobin is at 14.3, which is healthy so we are going to have to bleed you..." He was joking, but since my wife and I had been at the ER from 4:30 AM until about 2:00pm when he saw us and got the labs back we thought he was serious for a second there.

The dillema I have is that my refractometer shows two scales, SG and PPT. 1.0265 corresponds to 35 ppt, but the device was supposedly calibrated at 70F. The device also supposedly compensates for temperature. Does this mean I need to make the adjustment or not? Should I read that 1.0265 @ 80F is 35ppt, or should I try to have my tank water give a reading of 1.024 @80F?


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Hey Ernie,
Sorry you're having tonsil trouble.
Hope you don't have any more bleeding trouble.

I don't have a refractometer, but from the sales data at North Coast Marine, once calibrated, they docompensate for temperature so that no correction should be necessary.
Get well!


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Sorry I was reading the article and there was so much info that I overloaded for a second there

Nice article Thanks I am glad that I am not the only one that goes deep to look for more information than is needed but fun anyway


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Is there any reason for me to check the SG of newly mixed salt water week after week if I always follow the exact same formula (cups of salt, brand of salt, gallons of fresh water, source of fresh water, temperature of fresh water) to ensure I am maintaining a constant SG.

For example, is it possible that the salt mix from the manufacturer might differ appreciably from lot to lot to cause an appreciable change in SG.

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