Posted by coralite:
I meant 10% of the tank, most of the fish spend most of their time in 10% of the tank.
- You lost me here, do you mean to say that a tang, wrasse or trigger spend most of their time in 10% of the tank?
What do you consider a human predator?
-Uh, anything that could injure a human.
Sure there are many dangers outside and inside my dwelling but I live in the US and I definitely don't expend any energy avoiding people who want to eat me. Perhaps you do and you need to work that out.
-Oh but I'll bet you do. Do you wear a seat belt when you drive? Do your kids sit in car seats? Do you have a smoke detector? Do you walk around at night in the seedy part of town, BTW some people have no choice even in the US. Do you practice safe sex, and on and on. Now if you really think about this maybe the fish has a better life in the ocean than we do. Another factor to consider is the natural life span of a fish in the ocean as compared to the average life span in a fish tank.
If you have any fish, based on your comments, then you are a hypocrite.
- I knew this was coming. You know coralight there is such a thing as compromise. Here is what I have in my 180 gallon reef:
1. A mated pair of perculas.
2. A mated pair of banggais
3. 1 royal gramma (had 2, one jumped out, will be getting another one.)
You may notice something about this stocking list, I am trying to provide an opportunity for all basic biological needs to be met.
I do sincerely believe that My aquariums are more comfortable for my fish than the ocean. No storms, no parasites,no pollution, no cyanide fishermen, no eels and no sharks. My fish eat a wider variety of food than would consider to consume in the ocean.
-I will point this out again, your fish do not have an opportunity to satisfy their need to procreate or to intermingle with their own kind. You can dismiss this as not important to you if it does not fit in with your plans if you like, but the fact is the drive to reproduce is imporatant for all animals.