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C J Rodders

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My Powder Blue Tang has not eaten since I purchased it 12 days ago. I have tried lots of different foods with no success. Over recent days the Tang has developed a small cluster of bumps behind the eyes. I suspect this is a parasite infection. The LFS told me to place the fish in a tub of RO water (with no salt) at correct temperature for three minutes then return the fish to the tank. This needs to be repeated for three days. Is this sound advice? Can you please advise me what to do. I would like to return the fish to the LFS but I don't think they will accept it back in this condition. I fear that I am running out of time.

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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CJRodders:
<strong>My Powder Blue Tang has not eaten since I purchased it 12 days ago. I have tried lots of different foods with no success. Over recent days the Tang has developed a small cluster of bumps behind the eyes. I suspect this is a parasite infection. The LFS told me to place the fish in a tub of RO water (with no salt) at correct temperature for three minutes then return the fish to the tank. This needs to be repeated for three days. Is this sound advice? Can you please advise me what to do. I would like to return the fish to the LFS but I don't think they will accept it back in this condition. I fear that I am running out of time.</strong><hr></blockquote>

Your PB is sick, or dying from abuse that occurred during capture or shipping or both. A freshwater dip will only remove parasites that are on the surface. Powderblue tangs when even reasonably healthy will always eat. If you purchased the fish from your LFS and you didn't see it eat, it should be returned. Tell your local fish store that they sold you a damaged fish.



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LFS's are about 95% full of crap and are bad for fish, lie to and rob hobbyists, and are generally unethical.

There are some honest LFS owners and employees, and I have met some (in person as well as on this board). There are also numerous bad ones who have no idea how to do anything other than try to turn fish over for a buck and make up the deaths by doing more volume.

I've read wrong and downright sickening LFS advice given to hobbyists through this board.

While some here (probably myself most of all) may seem preachy or really technical (not me), the advice I've found here is worth more than almost anything I've ever heard in an LFS.

And there are responsible, informed LFS owners here to help out too.

The consensus? Powder Blue Tangs do not make good pets. I've read that and experienced it myself tragically. Take the PB Tang back and please don't get another from an LFS. If anything, order a tank-raised one which will happily eat in captivity and be free from diseases for the most part.

[ March 13, 2002: Message edited by: MandarinFish ]</p>


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Ditto what Terry and MandarinFish said (although I like to think we're in the remaining 5%

I'm not recommending a freshwater dip, but as an aside about that, matching temperature alone will not do it. You also need to add a buffer to bring the freshwater up to saltwater pH. Otherwise you will subject the fish to pH shock.

[ March 13, 2002: Message edited by: MattM ]</p>

C J Rodders

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Thank you very much, you guys. I have learnt my lesson and will not keep P B tangs in future. This still doesn't help this particular Tang but there you go! I will take it back to the LFS and ask to swap it for something like a green chromis. Would you approve of this idea? I just hope it survives until Friday, when I can get to the LFS. I appreciate your time and support. Thanks, CJ


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Return the fish before it dies.You have nothing to lose.
Obviously do not replace it with a powder blue tang

[ March 13, 2002: Message edited by: naesco ]</p>


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MattM- you are the 5% I'm talking about! I actually really respect your contributions and advice; you help remind me not to stereotype LFS owners and workers.

I have learned so much more from you and others here than I have in an LFS.

The folks at one LFS told me not to go with a DSB.

LFS's do things like sell Powder Blue Tangs and lie about the ease of keeping these delicate creatures.

CJRodders - sorry you had to learn the hard way. FWIW, I learned the hard way too.

That's why I recommend if you must own one, buy a tank-raised little one.

[ March 13, 2002: Message edited by: MandarinFish ]</p>


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I would be surprised if they take it back!Let me play devils advocate "It was fine when we sold it to you"
Good Luck


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If they did not advise him of the fact that this is an almost impossible fish to keep and that it was not eating in the store they should take it back.
We should always encourage reefers to take back fish like the powder blue tang, Moorish Idol (if any LFS still carries them)etc. because it will make the LFS think twice about ordering them again.
Nothing can be more effective than
" I was on the internet and found out you sold me a fish unsuitable for my reef tank, Don't do that again or you will lose my business"


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Although I agree with you 100%, I can see the response coming a mile a way - "those idiots don't know what the h*ll they are talking about. Oh, get out of my store with your new fish....".

The true is, some people just don't know that PB's are bad fish to own and/or sell. However, as a LFS, I would hope they would of figured it out by now. Perfect argument for researching before buying....both the fish AND the LFS......



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If that is the LFS response, just take all of your business to another store. If the owner is so short sighted as to permenantly turn away a paying customer, he deserves to go out of business!


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I wish I had read all the feedback before I bought mine. I have had him one week. He is very acitive, eats very will but has been fighting ich since day 3. I'm feeding him food soaked in garlic and using kick-ich..Judging from all I have read from various stings on this board I dont know if he has much of a chance!!!!

C J Rodders

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Hey Guys, I,m taking the PB back on Saturday morning. I will post the outcome late Saturday. That is assuming it lives until Saturday.
I feel like a scalded cat!


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I hate to say this, but I doubt you will recover much, if there's anything the LFS is willing to do. Good luck to you.

Or you can offer an suggestion to him. Let him take care of the fish, if he can get it back to full health, you won't ask for a dime back.


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I commend you for your decision. I hope the LFS is good enough to realize they are wrong.


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Good for you CJ; be firm: demand a credit from them.
We reefers must take a stand to ensure that we get what we pay for which is a healthy fish suitable for our aquarium.
When we all do what he is doing than we are guaranteed quality fish and fish which are impossible to keep remain in our oceans.
Reefers of the world UNITE!


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Just one more thought.

My LFS feeds their fish around 5:30-6:00 daily. If I am thinking of a fush purchase I will show up at that time to watch what the fish is eating and if it has a good appetite. My LFS owner will, if you request it hold a newly arrived fish for a few days for you. This way you can see if the fish will develop ich or the likes before buying it.

Just my thoughts.


Ben 4

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My LFS, besides being grossly overpriced($30 for a Cleaner Wrasse that they probably shouldn't be selling anyway), has had a recent problem with their Saltwater displays that caused them to have to break down most of their tanks and start over. What did they do when the tanks were up and running again... stocked fish like Moorish Idols and Leopard Wrasses, not to mention the Powder Blues that they always stock, that have no business being in any store. Hard to take sometimes.


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The best thing to do Ben is let them know how you feel.
Tell them to clean up their act or you will no longer be in their store. Be polite but firm and the more other customers around you the better.

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