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Better cut down on the caffein!

You seem to assume criticizm against you where most of the posts here are people trying to figure out what you're talking about. Do whatever you want... :roll:


Yeh....maybe I should cut down on the Coffee....I started drinking alot of coffee as my addiction to this hobby got more intense...... actually it was a mixture of coffee and booze. I am not having trouble with you guy's ............I appreciate the replies. Actually I think you guy's have taken me to seriously. I was just havin some fun......and still am. Hey I am serious about the Lion Tank but I will not use fish this time. My Bioload will be to high because I want to place a Snowflake in with a Dwarf Lion. I am not going to use umch live rock either. Just enough for the fish to hide in. I do not want to displace much water. What would you use to cycle besides the Liverock. I will probably place about 10-15 pounds of live over some base rock. I am also thinking of using a Bak-Pak instead of a Prizm. Got any suggestions. Have Fun and Happy Holidays. :D :D :D


Well, I personally would go with a bigger tank (minimum 65) for a large lionfish, use plently of liverock, a deep sand bed, and a strong protein skimmer. Let the sand and rock cycle themselves before adding the lionfish. Make sure to feed the tank before adding the fish so the sandbed fauna have something to eat. If you are dead set against having a large amount of live rock, then I would at least make sure to have a deep, healthy sand bed.

To offset the water displacement from the live rock and sand, I'd have a large sump under the tank. All of the equipment can be kept out of sight in here.

Treating a fish-only tank like a reef tank is the way to go, IMO. It will save you frustration and money in the long run. Intense lighting isn't necessary, but always looks nice. Normal fluorescents will work fine if you don't want to spend the money.

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