My Bamboo Shark is sick (Suggestions/Info Please)
Background: I watched this shark at the LFS for about 3 weeks. It seemed healthy and was eating live ghost shrimp. I bought it last Wednesday and right away it was eating in my tank. He ate 4 live ghost shrimp the first night. Then the third night he ate 2 more ghost shrimp, and this last weekend he ate a large piece of squid soaked in Selcon.
Tank Specs: All readings are perfect
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Salinity 1.024
pH: 8.33
Temp: 79-80
Sickness: The second day I had the shark I noticed him kind of rubbing his belly area on the sand in his den. At first I just thought he was moving sand in the den. As the days progressed he started to be more aggressive in his rubbing on the sand. I looked closely at his body and couldn't see signs of ich. Yesterday I noticed he had small red spots with white centers. Almost like ich with irritation around the white spot. Today he is in really bad shape. I have noticed him on his back and his underside has a bunch of the red irritated spots that look like ich. I did not notice him breathing fast. However after the fresh water dip he is breathing faster.
What I have done: I gave him a 30 second fresh water dip (RO/DI Water at tank temp.)
Attached is a picture of him. I feel awful that I might have caused this in some way. I'm awaiting advice. Thanks in advance.
Background: I watched this shark at the LFS for about 3 weeks. It seemed healthy and was eating live ghost shrimp. I bought it last Wednesday and right away it was eating in my tank. He ate 4 live ghost shrimp the first night. Then the third night he ate 2 more ghost shrimp, and this last weekend he ate a large piece of squid soaked in Selcon.
Tank Specs: All readings are perfect
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Salinity 1.024
pH: 8.33
Temp: 79-80
Sickness: The second day I had the shark I noticed him kind of rubbing his belly area on the sand in his den. At first I just thought he was moving sand in the den. As the days progressed he started to be more aggressive in his rubbing on the sand. I looked closely at his body and couldn't see signs of ich. Yesterday I noticed he had small red spots with white centers. Almost like ich with irritation around the white spot. Today he is in really bad shape. I have noticed him on his back and his underside has a bunch of the red irritated spots that look like ich. I did not notice him breathing fast. However after the fresh water dip he is breathing faster.
What I have done: I gave him a 30 second fresh water dip (RO/DI Water at tank temp.)
Attached is a picture of him. I feel awful that I might have caused this in some way. I'm awaiting advice. Thanks in advance.