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King Jason":3vekas1q said:
No, mine was a brownbanded bamboo shark. This is what mine looked like:


That is one of the species they have at the pool hall I go to. It is a very nice display. What are you going to do next!........are ya goin to get another shark? How much are you payin for them? I would pick a species that has a good track record for living in captivity. Get an Easy one if there is such a thing. They have what I think is a real cool Nurse Shark at the Hall. I am goin to ask them alot of questions next time I go. I want to meet the person that cares for them. Have Fun! Say hello to your girlfriend for me.LOL :lol:

Minh Nguyen

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investigator1":m6yhtqk1 said:
I would just like to say that if anyone isn't going to be helpfull than don't post at all! I think all fellow reef bashers should be reported and banned for being a jerk.

We are all on this website for the love and recreation of nature.
No, One of the major function of this board is information disseminations.
Have you ever consider that negative post are very helpful in seen the whole pictures?
Consider this:
If you have NO light on your 120 g tank and ask question on how to keep Crocea clams in this tank. If only positive posts are permit to reply. Now come a new reefer who wanted to keep Crocea and pull this thread up. What kink of advice do you think this new reefer is going to get from the thread?
You got to have thicker skin than that. Many people think that a shark that have potential to grow to near three feet should not be keep in a 190 g tank. Jason doesn't agree. That is his right. There are respected aquarists who agree with Jason while others do not. I think Jason did not go into this blindly. He knows what he was doing. That is all we could hope for. I want new reefers to know the two views on this question so that they can be similarly inform.
You find that Reefcentral tend to keep tighter reign on discussion while Reefs.org does not sensor people as much. Certainly insults and ridicules should not be posted but negative posts are very needed parts of discussions here. Even if posts that start with:

"I told you so. You shoud not......."

Minh Nguyen

Minh Nguyen

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Bangbang":1ypw7xpn said:
..........Get an Easy one if there is such a thing. They have what I think is a real cool Nurse Shark at the Hall. I am goin to ask them alot of questions next time I go. I want to meet the person that cares for them. Have Fun! Say hello to your girlfriend for me.LOL :lol:
Nurse shark is one shark that is not to be keep in home aquarium unless one have a tank that is many thousand gallons. According the Scott Michael they get to max size of 14 feet. Regardless, they will get to large for essentially all home aquariums.


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Minh Nguyen":g9jqvg03 said:
Bangbang":g9jqvg03 said:
..........Get an Easy one if there is such a thing. They have what I think is a real cool Nurse Shark at the Hall. I am goin to ask them alot of questions next time I go. I want to meet the person that cares for them. Have Fun! Say hello to your girlfriend for me.LOL :lol:
Nurse shark is one shark that is not to be keep in home aquarium unless one have a tank that is many thousand gallons. According the Scott Michael they get to max size of 14 feet. Regardless, they will get to large for essentially all home aquariums.

When I saw this shark(it may not be a Nurse Shark) I cringed because the tank looked way to small for it. I am goin to check on that fish this week and post the details.


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Again, all you people offer opinions without ever having kept a bamboo shark. Don't post something you know nothing about. I have read Scott Michael's book too and I think it is terrible. Just cause you get something published doesn't make it truth.

Now, Jason, from experience, you shark did indeed die from a bacterial infection as a result of microscopic tears in their skin. When the shark is first born (as yours probably was), the scales are not fully developed yet. The skin toughens up over a few months. During the first few months they are very prone to these infections. You just have to hope they won't get one. My first shark I hatched died from the same infection you described. DO NOT treat your tank with antibiotics. The chance that the antibiotics would cure the infection are slim and the risk of destroying your nitrifying bacteria far out weigh the potential benefits.

Southdown is a great substrate for cat sharks. I can not say for sure because I have not seen your tank, but you metion you have 120 lbs of liverock. I suspect this is where he got his lesion. It is best for the shark to have amply swimming area and a few hiding spots (instead of vise versa) especially for the first couple months. My shark is now about a year old and he slams into all kinds of stuff when he is tearing apart squid, etc. He is fine doing that now, but I would be nervous of that if he was lets say a month old. So there you go, more advice from your only proponent on this board and from someone who ACTUALLY KEEPS THESE SHARKS........ SUCCESSFULLY.

And now for all you tree-huggin environmentalist wackos on here. I know you have your worthless opinions and all, but when someone asks for help, don't critisize them, HELP!. You people are driving others away from this board, and the administrators should be worried. Bamboo sharks are like the sand sharks of the Indo-Pacific. They are everywhere. They are not in trouble of becoming endangered by any means. So go hug a tree and let real, enlightening dicuss occur on this board and stop annoying people like Jason and I. :D


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sjfishguy":15r5xvqr said:
Again, all you people offer opinions without ever having kept a bamboo shark. Don't post something you know nothing about. I have read Scott Michael's book too and I think it is terrible. Just cause you get something published doesn't make it truth.

Now, Jason, from experience, you shark did indeed die from a bacterial infection as a result of microscopic tears in their skin. When the shark is first born (as yours probably was), the scales are not fully developed yet. The skin toughens up over a few months. During the first few months they are very prone to these infections. You just have to hope they won't get one. My first shark I hatched died from the same infection you described. DO NOT treat your tank with antibiotics. The chance that the antibiotics would cure the infection are slim and the risk of destroying your nitrifying bacteria far out weigh the potential benefits.

Southdown is a great substrate for cat sharks. I can not say for sure because I have not seen your tank, but you metion you have 120 lbs of liverock. I suspect this is where he got his lesion. It is best for the shark to have amply swimming area and a few hiding spots (instead of vise versa) especially for the first couple months. My shark is now about a year old and he slams into all kinds of stuff when he is tearing apart squid, etc. He is fine doing that now, but I would be nervous of that if he was lets say a month old. So there you go, more advice from your only proponent on this board and from someone who ACTUALLY KEEPS THESE SHARKS........ SUCCESSFULLY.

And now for all you tree-huggin environmentalist wackos on here. I know you have your worthless opinions and all, but when someone asks for help, don't critisize them, HELP!. You people are driving others away from this board, and the administrators should be worried. Bamboo sharks are like the sand sharks of the Indo-Pacific. They are everywhere. They are not in trouble of becoming endangered by any means. So go hug a tree and let real, enlightening dicuss occur on this board and stop annoying people like Jason and I. :D

how many have you kept, and for how long?

how many years experience do you have in the retail end of this industry, and are you aware of how many of all species of sharks die in order to get one into a hobbyists tank?

are you of the opinion that just because a species isn't threatened, the potential owner of an individual of that species should buy it, w/out regard to providing a proper environment, or properly preparing for its care?

(not to flame jason, here,-but in spite of his contention and self impression that he had studied properly and prepared for the captive husbandry of the shark-it's evident that his info was fairly lacking-i'm no 'expert' on sharks-but unless your an elasmobranch researcher, and not just a 'keeper' of a few in your home tanks-neither are you :wink: - i am however, fairly well aware of how many sharks i've seen perish in stores, and at the hands of hobbyists i've seen purchase them)

sharks belong on a usl (unsuitable species list)-and should be banned from the general trade

do you think that just because a species, according to your 'expert' knowledge of it's apparent populations in the wild, is not impacted upon by collection for the hobby?

let's hear some population statistics from you on these sharks-for the last ten years worldwide, and see if they've increased, or declined

do you really believe that your opinion is less 'worthless' than mine? :wink:

i think that you are one person i will truly enjoy annoying. at every oppurtunity i can

hubris, and arrogance, are two things a responsible, and conscientious, hobbyist, can not afford-they end up being way too pricey items-for your pocketbook-for the species, and for the environment

anyone who posts a question or request asking for info, or care of any species should be well prepared for any criticism offered,-or they shouldn't bother to post the question to begin with

i think you will learn this, eventually :wink:


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sjfishguy":3tmittd0 said:
And now for all you tree-huggin environmentalist wackos on here. I know you have your worthless opinions and all...

You people are driving others away from this board.


When you look at those two statements together, it paints a clearer picture of who's driving people away.

Next time try honey. Most people don't like the taste of vinegar.

Minh Nguyen

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sjfishguy":2gs2xeuw said:
.......... My shark is now about a year old ............more advice from your only proponent on this board and from someone who ACTUALLY KEEPS THESE SHARKS........ SUCCESSFULLY.
You keep a shark for 1 year and you call that successful. Then you call the rest of us worthless. Get real.
Minh Nguyen

King Jason

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Why post comments that were not helpful and cause my frustration. I agree we should be able to take criticism, BUT that is not constructive criticism.

my advice is don't keep any more sharks.

yeah, we had that battle a few days ago, see the URL below..


These were worthless posts. They did nothing but start an argument. There is a time and place to post criticism. But IMO when someone comes to the board with an animal that is in pain and dying and the owner wants/needs help these type of posts drive people away. They serve no helpful purpose.

I'm not saying all comments need to be positive ones. That would make the board a boring place, and rightfully, negative comments need to be said. But over the 3 years I have been a member of this board I have seen a clear change in helpful comments to those of negative criticism that most people see directed at themselves and not their Aquarist techniques.


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I wouldnt call referring people to a post that criticises the keeping of sharks "worthless"

I could have been more blunt but chose to refer people to the other thread, they could have added content there if they felt the need.

Just because you dont like it, doesnt mean it's "worthless"

There were also questions posed to sjfishguy on the other thread, that he never did answer, I found it suprising to see him posting on here instead of answering the other thread.

And to define why I dont believe it was "worthless" If somebody thinking about a shark reads this thread, and sees the reference to the other thread, and decides a shark is not for them, then I'm happy, hopefully one less doomed shark.


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Dr. Reef":3g5s188z said:
sjfishguy":3g5s188z said:
And now for all you tree-huggin environmentalist wackos on here. I know you have your worthless opinions and all...

You people are driving others away from this board.


When you look at those two statements together, it paints a clearer picture of who's driving people away.

Next time try honey. Most people don't like the taste of vinegar.

LOL..............I had some real neat responses for this thread but I am holding back because I don't want to drive people away and get booted like I did from Reef Central for just havin some fun.........ok! ok!.......I did go a bit to far there..LOL I agree that people should br able to express their opinions without gettin the crap kicked out of them. If someone wants to keep a shark in an aqarium then he or she should recieve constructive criticism......without gettin kicked in the teeth. Have Fun! My Great White is doin great.....gave him a fresh water bath today in my bathtub. I got some soap in his eyes and he got real pissed off!........ almost bit my hand off.

P.S. Reef Central has let me back in as of yesterday. They are a very thin skinned bunch over there. Got pissed because I wanted my LFS staffed with Big Breasted Women. LOL I even had a Gay Room with Rainbow Fish run by a Gay Bud that also got booted. LOL Oh well we have to remember that young ones use these forums too.


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BangBang, if my post is driving people like you away, then I guess I better keep postin. I think it is quite the opposite. There are so many people who won't post a question about something for fear of being slaughtered on this board. "My yellow tang has ich....." Then all of you get all blown up about yellow tangs in captivity and don't address the question. So many of you out there feel the same way, but I am the first one to take the defensive openly. But seriously, if you were really worried about the world's reefs, etc. then you shouldn't be keeping anything at all. The live rock you buy is taking away from the reef itself- the damsel you buy could have fed some poor hungry fish swimming in that big bad ocean- the money you spend on your hobby could perhaps support a reef game reserve.


I never recieved notice that my posts were replied to on the other board, so that is why I didn't respond.


I never claimed to be an expert. How many of you "experts" that have posted a comment on Jason's shark have ever kept this species? Minh? Oh, noble Minh would never do such an evil thing? I believe I am the only one who has kept this shark. The defense rests :D


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sjfishguy":smpq2o7l said:
How many of you "experts" that have posted a comment on Jason's shark have ever kept this species?

Yeah, and how many of you "environmental wackos" (sic) learned by reading someone else's failures and avoid having pet sharks while simultaneously taking the moral high road. You people make me sick! Posting about how difficult it is to keep a pet shark without killing one yourself and speaking from experience!

(by the way, I'm not poking at you King Jason. It sucks you lost a pet. I rarely have things die in my care, because I hate knowing it was my fault and seeing it be pained)

King Jason

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Well for what it's worth I don't think keeping Bamboo Sharks is "hard." I of coarse wasn't able to keep mine for whatever reason, one will never know for sure. But if you go over to Reef Central's Aggressive forum you will see dozens of people keeping them "successfully."


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sjfishguy":3sg38dz7 said:
BangBang, if my post is driving people like you away, then I guess I better keep postin. I think it is quite the opposite. There are so many people who won't post a question about something for fear of being slaughtered on this board. "My yellow tang has ich....." Then all of you get all blown up about yellow tangs in captivity and don't address the question. So many of you out there feel the same way, but I am the first one to take the defensive openly. But seriously, if you were really worried about the world's reefs, etc. then you shouldn't be keeping anything at all. The live rock you buy is taking away from the reef itself- the damsel you buy could have fed some poor hungry fish swimming in that big bad ocean- the money you spend on your hobby could perhaps support a reef game reserve.


I never recieved notice that my posts were replied to on the other board, so that is why I didn't respond.


I never claimed to be an expert. How many of you "experts" that have posted a comment on Jason's shark have ever kept this species? Minh? Oh, noble Minh would never do such an evil thing? I believe I am the only one who has kept this shark. The defense rests :D

Hey!....Did I say that you were chasin people away? Did I say I was a Shark Expert? :roll:


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I don't recall this thread. I have erased it from my memory bank for fear I would become dumber than I already am. 8O


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sjfishguy wrote:

So there you go, more advice from your only proponent on this board and from someone who ACTUALLY KEEPS THESE SHARKS........ SUCCESSFULLY

as someone who claims to 'keep these sharks successfuly', i's still waiting for you to answer my questions

i'm also quite curious as to how long you've kept them-succesfully

These were worthless posts. They did nothing but start an argument. There is a time and place to post criticism. But IMO when someone comes to the board with an animal that is in pain and dying and the owner wants/needs help these type of posts drive people away. They serve no helpful purpose

wrong on all counts, imho.

i think a critical post serves a very useful purpose

the critical posts have absolutely nothing to do w/being argumentative-they are trying to show someone the posters opinion of their being wrong in the attempt, and why-nothing more.

the fact that jason may have taken them personally(or you, for that matter)is not the criticizers fault

i also do not accept the contention that someone who does not thoroughly research an animal before accepting the responsibility of it's care really deserves a heck of alot of sympathy-and if they're looking for a shoulder to cry on-should look elsewhere for mindless sympathy posts from others

if i go and buy a horse, and read only one or two books, and don't ask anyone who's actually kept a horse what's involved in its care in DETAIL, and then put the horse in substandard conditions, after it's possibly being not in the best condition to begin with, resulting in the horse wsting away, and dying of infection-should i expect sympathy for the results of my actions? hell no!!

the central argument seems to be one of the level of responsibility one takes for their charges, and the definition of responsibility itself

i, for one, do not think for a moment that jason had any malicious intent, and i certainly tried to criticize his actions in the most constructive way i could, given my opinions on the matter, but my critique still stands-and hopefully helped to open jason's eyes abit-with regard to really researching sharks in detail

you are really the one who's 'stoking the fire', here, imo.

being jason's 'only proponent' doesn't make you more correct, less argumentative, or even necessarily more valuable to jason's future experiences/attempts at keeping sharks

they are a highly specialized animal, with specialized requirements-whenever someone approaches me wanted to keep that type of animal, and i am not familiar with their experience/knowledge, i always try to steer them away from keeping it, until i am absolutely convinced they are capable of doing that animal justice

just encouraging someone and giving them a shoulder to cry on does not help further succes in the future attempt

Just cause you get something published doesn't make it truth.

turnabout is fair play :wink:

Now, Jason, from experience, you shark did indeed die from a bacterial infection as a result of microscopic tears in their skin.

interesting how you can make such a definitive diagnosis w/out so much as a culture sample of the wounds, or observing the shark in person

You just have to hope they won't get one.

anyone who thinks that keeping an animal that's known to be prone to infection, is difficult to treat, ands then offers the caveat that 'you just have to hope they won't get one'-is an idiot, and a very dangerous advice giver

what if it does?

what will you then tell jason after giving him your personal go ahead and ok regarding getting another shark, if it get's infected again?-'them's the breaks' ?

shame on you


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King Jason":1e34f13z said:
Too much pent up hostility being release on the board! 8O :lol:
You got that right......maybe your shark was killed by Bad Karma radiating from your monitor screen. Did you have it on when you brought your fish home. Those marks on his belly could have been radiation burns. LOL Who's posts were on the screen at the time. I bet I can guess. LOL So are you going to try another shark? maybe a more mature one? I can't wait to here about it.


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sjfishguy":1wlshj2v said:
BangBang, if my post is driving people like you away, then I guess I better keep postin.
I agree with vitz. You've made yourself a very good target here.
I never claimed to be an expert. How many of you "experts" that have posted a comment on Jason's shark have ever kept this species?

Which of us, exactly, has actually said, "I am an expert____"? You definitely come off as though you're claiming to have more expertise than anyone else here (implying that you believe yourself an expert). While I've never purchased one for myself, I have definitely had a good amount of hands-on experience in the SUCCESSFUL HUSBANDRY of these animals (in rather large numbers), as well as (on the import/export/retail end) how not to do things and how easy it is to kill such primitive species as sharks, skates, and rays. See, I figure if we're doing what works; to the point that we share animals with other aquariums and even release animals back to the wild, then there is much merit to the knowledge of such an endeavor.

I believe I am the only one who has kept this shark.

Hardly. You just don't read the threads very thoroughly at all. Of course, you're not the only one, either. LOTS of people don't seem to be really reading the threads before they respond. Or do you feel that someone has to have kept sharks in their own home to have any insight, information of value, or a worthwhile opinion?

While I'm at it, I want to add that I very much agree with Minh's earlier post re: "useful" posts. I'd like to add to that, though, to say that if you don't want to hear what others have to say, do not post your query. Pretty simple, ain't it? I would be unable to add any more to that, as between Minh, MegaD and vitz it's pretty much been said.

vitz, if you did that to a horse without talking to me first....ooooo!!! ;)

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