I recommend joining the MACO:Calcium Reactor course and building it yourself. Where else can you learn acrylic fabrication techniques and build a great reactor for $35 + materials.
FWIW, I've got experience with the LifeReef LCR1 and LCR2 and am
currently running an MTC Pro Cal on my 120 gallon reef tank.
I'd highly recommend the MTC reactor over the Lifereef reactors
but only on a larger reef system (100+ gallons). LifeReef makes a
really nice reactor, but based on the way I had it plumbed, the
reactors were problematic for me.
thanks I registerd for the Maco but I still need to pick a reactor I cant wait 5 weeks for the cours i'm tiered of doesing 90ml a day and only have the calcium at 380. I think I will go with a My Reef cr2 model :roll:
I'm taking the class! I can't wait to learn how to work with acrylic. I think you will have alot more pride in your setup if you make it parts of it yourself.
I'm gonna take the class too, I need to get a router setup though, anybody have any sugestions?
The ideal setup for me, portable table saw, with the mount setup for a router too, so all I have to do is buy a plunge router and I'm set. The only ones I've seen like this are cheap ones on ebay though
I bought the $89 table router that is linked to in the course description at MACO. I didn't get the table saw they linked. I always wanted a table was so I got a little better model at Sears. It was on sale for $199.00 and it can expand out to a little over 4' wide. It seemed to me that you would need a saw that can handle a 4' sheet of whatever.
I'm also checking out ca reactors. I know the pro cal has a good reputation but is expensive. I would appreciate any comments about the My reef products. I don't want anything that might be finiky! Good quality and does the job for a 120 gal....Period
Thanks for any help, Nakama
All the research I've done tells me the Korallin is the easiest and most effective cal reactor out there. If I'm wrong please tell me now because I'm about to place the order.