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While at PetCo one day to buy some worms for my lizards, I stopped to look at the poor little fishies as I usually do. Next to my the "fish guy" was helping this teenage kid and his mother set up a salt tank. They already had the setup and tank (power filter and 42 hex) and wanted to know what they could put in it... they also whent on to explain that so far everything they had tried had died. :roll:
So the fish guy says "start with one of these... they're excellenct starter fish and can survive just about anything... if this guy stays alive you could keep anything :?: (notice the contradiction?)
all the while pointing to a tank of yellow tangs :!: :!: :!:
My girlfriend and I started cracking up and disturbed the sale :P


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In one LFS in Lexington, KY, I witnessed the following. A local lady had come in, wondering why the seahorses in her system were dying. Apparently, she had had two of them for a long time, but each time she added more, the new ones would die.

The LFS owner tells her it's because she has bristleworms in her tank, and that these are actively hunting and killing the new seahorse additions, while leaving the old ones alone. He wanders away, and I begin to talk with her.

Over the course of the conversation, I find out that she has ALWAYS topped off her tank with saltwater, since the beginning. Couple that with the fact that she has no hydrometer, and mixes the saltwater by taste. In addition, she felt that her tank was doing great, because, "there's all sorts of moss growing on the rocks in the tank, just like in my garden".
So, I learned, that apparently seahorses can be acclimated over time to super high salinity, while new additions cannot.

Spyder Victor


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One time I was at a local fish store were I bought most of my small stuff from, like filters, salt and once or twice I whould ask for a fish. One time I was asking do u have any lighting that whould be good for a anemone over a 29 gallon tank. (All I could see was some retrofits he had on top shelves) He tells me that I could use a 55 watt PC and he went on and on telling me what kind of deal I get if I bought a retrofit. So I said ill take one and put it with my 250 watt MH that im going to get instead. Ill use it for a dusk/dawn. He tells me that a 250 watt MH on a 29 gallon tank is over kill and I should go with a 55 watt PC because its cooler and not as bright. I just left and never came back :x :!:


_forgot to add_

Same guy told me if my Ph was stable I will never need a alkalinity test kit. ( i dont know if this is true or not )

Diffrent LFS told another customer that any clownfish will host in a Condy Anemone. I think she was smart because after he said that she said ok and left.


Diffrent LFS fulled my B-ionic bottles up to the top on each and I didnt realize tell I got home. I went back to the store and the Owned of the place grabbed both of the bottles out of my hand. He went and good new ones and then he filled them up to the line gave it back to me and started yelling at the person who filled it to the top. I just said thanks and left couldnt take it any more. I whould say about a 2 months later I came back and the guy wasnt there any more and the guy told me how he did stupid stuff like that on many occasions, so he got fired. :?

-----Sorry for all of the mistakes you might find im kinda tired its 7:30 am



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I thought i would never see the day that i would be able to share this...
i was in P--C- picking up treats for my dogs, when i saw a woman at the check out line with her small child. she had in her basket a 10 gal tank, salt mix, incandesent (spelling) bulbs, ultra white epoxy gravel, and an undergravel filter. in the bag were 2 yellow tangs, and all her son would chatter incessantly about was that he could now have nemo fish. I didn't know whether i should have said anything. If I did, I might have looked like a sarcastic POS. I sure as heck hope she had another tank at home, and this was for goldfish.


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"What beautiful green balls, shouldn't you get some of those?" Not too informed spouse on seeing Valonia. Might as well get a Mantis shrimp while I am at it.


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Went to a crudy lfs in Santa Monica, near LA that had tons, and I mean tons of aptasia in their display tanks. I just kinda laughed when people were saying how cute the little buggers were. Wonder how much they were selling for. 8)


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Wow, I thought this thread was dead!

I was reading these over and it gave me a good laugh. Most of these had to do with P--C--for a reason! 8O

Keep 'em coming, I haven't been to the FLs lately so I dont ahave any new ones to share. :cry:


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just recently i was at the LFS and a lady was buying one of those big beta wine glass type things, and was wanting a baby albino oscar, the lfs guy says, you can only keep betas in these, and she was like so blown away like what do you mean? the lfs guy then shows her a large oscar still i dont think she got it.


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This happened in one of my local shops but was not funny. I was looking for a Blue or Orange Linkia Star. I asked one of the staff if he had any. He says yes....I get excited. I follow him to the tank. He pulls this great looking Blue out of the tank with his hands exposing it to air and says....Is this what you want or do ya want this one....quickly grabbing an Orange one.


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I'm browsing at an LFS. Customer is talking to an employee, and complaining that he bought Kent calcium from them and now his tank is full of algae. He claims that right after he put the calcium in, the algae started blooming. I try to refrain from butting in, but I can't help it.

Me: So the bloom started immediately after you added calcium?
Him: Yes. Right after.
Me: What do you keep and what size is your tank?
Him: 40 gallons. I have angels. I love angels. I have 8 angels. (starts trying to name them...ends up calling them by colors)
At this point I'm thinking his tank has finally started crashing. How can adding calcium start an algae bloom?!
Me: Perhaps you should move your angels to a larger tank?
Him: Not necessary. They always die after a few weeks anyways so they won't need a bigger tank since they never reach full size.
Me: 8O :cry:
Him: But hey thanks for the advice. I'm going to look for another angel. (points to an emperor about 5 inches long)
I look at the employee who is overhearing all of this and he appears to be unaffected.

how sad eh?


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sorry i just realized that this thread specifically said "funniest thing" and my tale is definitely not funny.

i also forgot to mention that the guy told me he has no corals. no idea why he was dosing calcium in the first place.


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I was at one of my LFS stores and over heard this conversation going on. A customer is now ready for some corals after his tank has cycled. Eagerly wanting something cost effective the sales person says you should start with these and points over to a nice healthy colony of aptaisa. The sales person says that these are great for beginners and that they will spread easily. The customer says really I'll take them. The sales person says well let me see if I can get you a price break on them because they are a bit pricey. Salesman goes to the back and returns a few minutes later. Ok which one do you want? The customer points out 2 or 3 small rocks covered in aptasia, I take those. Sales man says ok those are 30bucks for each rock, usually 40$. Bagged and purchased he then leaves feeling totally satisfied with his purchase. Astonished that the LFS did this I asked the salesman why he did that. His answer, oh you want some of those too? At that point I left.


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Recently whilset at my LFS I heard a customer ask for a "Nemo Fish", and a betta bowl to put it in. Luckily my lfs is good people and all knowledgable and told him to get knotted.

In the local P--c- I have a freind who works there the only reason I go in at all all the salt fish have ick and they always have dead fish in tanks sometime so long it's almost a skeleton. Anyway whilest in there I've heard numerous people complain that their "Nemo Fish" died after putting it in the tank, they said stuff like I thinkj maybe my Oscar killed it. And I've heard my betta musta killed it sinve they are fighting fish and pretty tough. It's a sick world.



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1. A couple comes in asking what kind of fish would go well with their little nemo clown. They employee points out a domino damsel and tries to sell them on it by showing them how cheap it is. He doesn't bother to ask what size tank they have their clown in or to tell them that dominos get as mean as a snake when they get bigger. So I asked them and they had a ten gallon. I told them that they better get another false perc as a companion because the domino would eventually start fighting for territory in that small a tank. Despite the fact that I was trying to sell them a more expensive fish, the employee insisted that the domino was a great addition to their tank and would not fight because it was in the same family as a clown fish. :roll: In all fairness, one of the owners never would have done that...they consistently give good advice and talk people out of bad buys, even though they lose a sale (that's why I like that place).

2. Same store, another part time highschool kid employee. Bagged about 10 fish, some quite large, for a person to take home to their 40 gallon. 8O I don't recall what kind of fish they all were, but I remember thinking that they weren't compatible either. I tried to talk the customer out of it and told her that she's better start with two or three fish at most until the tank cycled and that in the end she probably couldn't have all those fish anyhow...the employee got pissed at me and I told him the owner would never steer a customer wrong like that. The argument happened right in front of the customer, who chose to follow the store employee's advice and take home the ten fish. :roll:


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hehe i love it.... your the LFS superhero.... its funny you go in to their store and start arguments in front of their customers.... i mean its very cool because i get pissed when i see them doing stupid things like that also.... but to actually start a argument and try to foul the sell... that is great!

what makes me mad, is if the owner is a knowledgable guy, what is he doing hiring half wits who know nothing about reef keeping? my LFS employees luckily arent idiots, over the past 6 months, my lfs kind of went through a small change, they really have improved and got some employees who care about the fish.


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I've only got one good lfs story.

I walk into petco, and don't even bother looking at their saltwater tanks. I'm there to investigate the plants they have. I start looking at their plants, which they keep in a tank next to their koi and asked which ones were the pond plants and which ones were for tanks. The guy looks at me blankly and he says, "There's a difference?" So, I asked him if he could get me the person working in aquatics that day, and he said, "That's me." I picked up a book about freshwater plants that was sitting right next to him, in plain sight, and nodded.



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I bought some feeder fish from petco and they made me take a care sheet for them.

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