Thanks for the direct reply Tom!
I don't think it is. However, from the outside,members salavating over new wild caught animals at the LFS seems to take something away from the push of propagated animals. Kinda like a car club that advocates hybrids and electrics, but most of the members drive Hummers.MaryHM":1f0du1em said:I don't get why a club has to support one or the other at the risk of being hypocritical.
I support the platform of Tom McClintock, however I will be voting for Arnold. It's not feasible to think that McClintock is going to win, so I'm going for the next best thing.
It's not feasible to assume every single hobbyist wants to pursue their hobby in the same way- via captive propagated animals.
Frankly, it limits what a hobbyist can have at this point.
How would a club who "mandated" captive propagation handle a new member who wants to do a FO tank? Tell them to only have clowns and some gobies or get out??