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Ft Worth, Tx
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Matt, why don't you let me publish the results via my site? I've got nothing for them to take away from me, so their lawyers will drop the case.


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I agree with Marc, Hell I'll publish the results, you cant get blood out of a stone. Or why not just publish a list of those companies seeking legal action? I know personally if i knew a company refused to have their product tested by an independent lab I would no longer use such product. It tells me they have something to hide or are not confidient in their product line. Either way, just crying and sandbagging with talk of legal action and not giving anyone satisfactory answers to their questions in reference to this study puts you on the same level of those that you claim is threatening all this lega action. Why not just email the results to a few people like a chain letter? private communications should not be subject to this so called legal action and with a chain letter style mailing there is no way the source can be confirmed or traced. You have a LOT of options to get these people the results. There is no reason to stonewall them unless there is a bit more to the picture you have not told anyone .


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I'm pretty confident that the company that threatened legal action is _not_ a manufacturer of any of the salts being tested in this study. It's a different product altogether.



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the more i read about this study the more the BS flag comes up. Hell that eco-aqualizer has been on that site for over a year,! So how does them taking action affect this salt survey?? I see everyone has something to say or offer some reason behind this mystery except: Matt seems to be MIA.Back to basics if you want it done right do it yourself. Next time i am curious about the content of a salt mix i will do it on my own and I wont be skittish about putting results out. chemistry does not lie. And slander and libel are things said or printed that are false that cause economic harm to someone or an indivlual. YOU one cannot take legal action agaisnt you if you just publish results without interpetation. Unless you have a non disclosure agreement with these companies if you just report test results they have not a leg to stand on.


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This does raise a red flag for me as well:

Inland Reef Aquaria is now closed.

Thank you for the last six years of your business!

The space formerly occupied by Inland Reef Aquaria is now the retail store for AstronomyDaily.com.

If there was legal action I'm sure they would get nothing. An update would be nice....


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without anyone on the outside watching this study progress, how could any of the results be verified. if the study ever comes to fruition there is no unbiased help to substantiate any results. any findings would be worthless... might as well put this one to bed .


Experienced Reefer
Ft Worth, Tx
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"Put this to bed?" Tell that to those that contributed. I know I was silent about this for a loooong time, but mainly because it was out of sight, out of mind. Now that I'm aware of it again, the excuses and lack of replies by Matt really grate against my nerves.

Trust me, we want the answers to this study, because we gave some of our own money to find out!

Where does RDO stand on this?

How much of the money exactly is still unspent?


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Reefs.org is heavily vested and interested in seeing this study proceed. Through our efforts, Reefs.org has contributed the most funds to the Salt Study (by a considerable margin) and are eagerly awaiting the results like everyone else. Reefs.org has no role in the study itself. Matt would have to update you on the exact financial situation as well as any updates about the study. I will see if Matt will be so good as to chime back in.


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Ft Worth, Tx
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Thanks for the reply. For the most part, we are getting all kinds of comments in this thread from the wrong people. The ones in charge need to speak up and answer these suggestions, complaints, and questions.


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Thanks for the words Len. You rock!

It would be nice if Matt would jump in and say a few words. Would probably put alot of people at ease....


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MattM":2h7g42wo said:
Ninong -

I will not get into the details in a public forum, but I will go so far as to say that it doesn't matter whether a salt manufacturer is involved or not.

I can not proceed with publishing further test results while the threat of a lawsuit exists over previously published results. If some one would like to volunteer a limitless defense fund, things might be different. But as it is, I will not go forward until this is resolved.


I don't understand what it is you expect Matt to say that he hasn't already said. His answer to me on June 23rd. explained his position quite clearly. This has nothing to do with a salt manufacturer but Matt has explained that that doesn't matter as far as he is concerned. The people who are allegedly threatening him with legal action have threatened bulletin boards in the past for permitting posts that were not flattering to their product. The resolution of those threats was that the bulletin board deleted the offensive posts.

Matt has said that he will not remove the review he has posted on his website of this company's product. Now the waiting game begins. Even if they do not follow through with their threatened lawsuit, there will always be the potential for a lawsuit.

If Reefs.org is interested in seeing that their funds (and the funds of others) are used for the intended purpose of publishing an analysis of various artificial salt mixes, then Reefs.org should do something because it is obvious that Matt has no intention of doing anything as long as there is a potential for litigation. How many times does he have to say so before we understand his position.


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Someone needs to audit the revenue and expenses of this endeavor.


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There's really nothing Reefs.org can do other then to keep insisting Matt pursue the matter with priority. We'll continue to attempt to convince Matt to go ahead with the project despite the looming, unrelated litagation. Reefs.org does not have any problems publishing the results and are willing to assume the risk involved.


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Matt? it can't get any better than that, you have had many forum members say they will publish the results themselves, Reefs.org JUST said they would publish the reuslt and assume the responsibility for any legal action, You have the option of taking down the data off your site of the ONE product that seems to be causing all this drama, NOW what is the hold up?? I think it will be next to impossible to get people to spend money on the so called worth while endeavor to advance the hobby for the common man or the small time hobbiest. when this study first was suggested many nay sayers said , it wouldnt fly because they were worried about the money and how it would be handled. People gave you the benefit of the doubt and all they got was excuses and "so called alleged law suits, sounds just like unconfirmed non specific, terrorist threat to a non specified target at a poteinally critical location on a future undeteremined date.
Excrete or get off the Pot.


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I know a few people are suggesting that Matt sacrifice a previous study currently under legal threat in order to pursue the Salt Study. I personally do not agree with this suggestion. It sets a very bad precedent for the exchange of ideas, ultimately subjugating our freedom of speech to the threats of litigious people/companies. This is, of course, strictly my personal opinion.

Officially, Reefs.org will assume any legal responsibility involved in publishing the Salt Study results in www.advancedaquarist.com. I understand and appreciate the fact this doesn't absolve Matt of possible legal recourse, but Reefs.org is willing to assume the legal risks in publishing the results.


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the 1st option usually best taken under such a circumstance is an immediate group countersuit against the original suer

why not have all of us file suit individually for the action this crackah's threatening ?

litigating vs. 200 may make them think twice about their litigating against one :wink:


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People gave you the benefit of the doubt and all they got was excuses and "so called alleged law suits, sounds just like unconfirmed non specific, terrorist threat to a non specified target at a poteinally critical location on a future undeteremined date.
Excrete or get off the Pot.


Really though, where are you at Matt??

litigating vs. 200 may make them think twice about their litigating against one

I would be happy to help out in anyway that I can.....

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