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Minh Nguyen

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DOGMAI":2904ojsr said:
Ah yes, the point I was trying to prove has been proven. It was not that I could put any tang I wanted in any size tank it was that a lot of the time when I or someone else post on here asking a specific question the answers we get seem to dwell on everything but the question asked. I specifically asked what type of tang I should put in a 46 BF. I got one reply that actually suggested a type of tang. The rest were too busy telling me that I was wrong to even want to put a tang in that size tank. I’m sorry but it gets a little irritating when I try to find out something specific and I don’t get an answer because the replies are too busy telling me what I did not ask for. If you don’t think I should put a tang in a small tank than don’t post to my question of what type of tang should I put.


Sorry having a bad day.
It is like you are asking if you should the girl over there or the boy over here, and got unhappy when people said that you should shoot neither.

All you want is a fight here. You just ask a question to bring on a fight, nothing more, and nothing less.
This is not your thread even if you started it. Many people read this, including lots of newbies. If someone answer that you should put a Naso tang in your tank, and nobody challenge that, then a newbies who did not know better would think that it is OK to put a Naso tang in a 46 g tank.

Please stop thinking that just because you start a thread, it is your thread. These BB are information that many people use, not just you. Please don't be offended if people disagree with you. Al you need to do is to argue your point or just leave it and ignore it.

BTW, your type "Sorry having a bad day" but don't mean it at all.



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PeeJ":3p1k86nm said:
Is this the "Scopus"?

Ahh.. Z. scopas is definitely one of my favorites. I've recently seen one pictured here, but now for the life of me I can't remember who posted it! However, there are many tangs of the genus Zebrasoma. They're not necessarily "better" than other tangs, as has been relayed they can have very aggressive personalities as well. I was just shooting for something that would take longer to grow, and may not grow to such a large size. However, I think a fishbase or similar search would be in order.

8O OMG, there really is a Puntang! (Wow, add this to the list of fun fishes, starting off with the Slippery Dick.. <giggle>)

Anyway, along with Z. flavescens here's one of the smallest tangs I can find Ctenochaetus strigosus
Spotted surgeonfish - http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/Species ... =strigosus

Acanthurus randalli
Gulf surgeonfish
http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/Species ... e=randalli

Ctenochaetus tominiensis
Tomini surgeonfish
http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/Species ... ominiensis


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There are obvious do's and don'ts like a nurse shark in a 10 gallon, but do you really know if a tang is happier in a 300 gallon as opposed to a 50 gallon. Neither compare to the vastness of the ocean. If you can tell, they could use another Pet Psychic on Animal Planet.

Although Shane did have an odd way of making a point, he did have one. More often than not, newbies are subjected to regurgitated information provided by the industry. Some might think they're an expert and pass on information that they've never verified themselves. I'm not saying it is the case in this thread, but the nice thing about RDO is that most of us share our experiences with eachother. Sometimes those experiences 'hold more water' than manufacturer or distributor suggestions.

If Shane really wanted a fight, he would have said that there's no argument for the purpose of a DSB. LOL


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Well, I guess you just have to know who to trust on this board and who gives legitimate advice.


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It's not a matter of trust.

If you're not posting information of a personal experience, than those opinions should be backed by a link or reference to some concrete evidence.


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It is a mate of trust. I can have all the personal experience in the world, and still tell you that Humpback whales are the best thing you could put in your new nano reef.


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Now you're just being silly.

Again, there are obvious do's and don'ts. What hobbyists and newbies alike should do is do more research for themselves. Especially biological research and not just news from the hobby.

Jeff CC

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Reefnutz- you are so right. If someone has a first-hand experience and can add to the topic, that is great. However- continually passing on the same third/fourth/fifth hand info tirelessly is ridiculous.

Expos Forever

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Since no one else will come out and say it you're being a troll. And then you get upset when people act the way you knew they would?

I would say the vast majority of people here have kept at least one tang in similiar sized tanks.

People are answering the question: "What kind of tang should I put in a 46 bow?". No kind. If you don't want to listen get a Zebrasoma.

People don't know you are playing a little game. They think you're a hobbiest looking for info. Imagine that! If someone asks "what kind of shark should I put in my 75?" the actual answer is none with an explanation not people ignoring the post altogether.


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Minh Nguyen":gn2oxd3m said:
DOGMAI":gn2oxd3m said:
Ah yes, the point I was trying to prove has been proven. It was not that I could put any tang I wanted in any size tank it was that a lot of the time when I or someone else post on here asking a specific question the answers we get seem to dwell on everything but the question asked. I specifically asked what type of tang I should put in a 46 BF. I got one reply that actually suggested a type of tang. The rest were too busy telling me that I was wrong to even want to put a tang in that size tank. I’m sorry but it gets a little irritating when I try to find out something specific and I don’t get an answer because the replies are too busy telling me what I did not ask for. If you don’t think I should put a tang in a small tank than don’t post to my question of what type of tang should I put.


Sorry having a bad day.
It is like you are asking if you should the girl over there or the boy over here, and got unhappy when people said that you should shoot neither.

All you want is a fight here. You just ask a question to bring on a fight, nothing more, and nothing less.
This is not your thread even if you started it. Many people read this, including lots of newbies. If someone answer that you should put a Naso tang in your tank, and nobody challenge that, then a newbies who did not know better would think that it is OK to put a Naso tang in a 46 g tank.

Please stop thinking that just because you start a thread, it is your thread. These BB are information that many people use, not just you. Please don't be offended if people disagree with you. Al you need to do is to argue your point or just leave it and ignore it.

BTW, your type "Sorry having a bad day" but don't mean it at all.


Interesting point...the wrong info can lead people astray.

So for those newbies with 46 gallon tanks reading this, forget the tangs...if you want an algae eater look at the blennies instead.



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If I had this tang in a 250 or 300 gallon tank I'm sure people would still say its to small.

No, actually I wouldn't. :neutral:

I've kept many tangs over the past years, and adopted more than one out to a bigger home.

I've had a yellow tang for five years and would agree with the poster who describes the behavior of this tang in a 72g. The behavior of the YT prompted me to get a 155g. Now in a 230g. I'm sure the YT is as big as it will get here, as tangs achieve 90% of their full growth the first year or so.

Denial seems to run rampant with inexperienced SW fishkeepers, and that will never change imo. Hopefully many of them have changed their thinking years into the hobby, if they have any interest in optimum care for their pets.

Then they too will discourage others for the discomfort they felt seeing fish like that cramped.

P.S. I forgot to mention, the behavior of the tang is totally different in the 230g. She swims calmly thru the rockwork and is a lot more friendly. I can only perceive that as an improvement.


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Agreed. There is always an attitude of I bet I can do it. Everybody had it when they first started.


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reefnutz":2e45gkyl said:
There are obvious do's and don'ts like a nurse shark in a 10 gallon, but do you really know if a tang is happier in a 300 gallon as opposed to a 50 gallon. Neither compare to the vastness of the ocean. If you can tell, they could use another Pet Psychic on Animal Planet.

Although Shane did have an odd way of making a point, he did have one. More often than not, newbies are subjected to regurgitated information provided by the industry. Some might think they're an expert and pass on information that they've never verified themselves. I'm not saying it is the case in this thread, but the nice thing about RDO is that most of us share our experiences with eachother. Sometimes those experiences 'hold more water' than manufacturer or distributor suggestions.

If Shane really wanted a fight, he would have said that there's no argument for the purpose of a DSB. LOL

I see what you mean...like the "mandarins need 1,000 pounds of live rock in a 500 gallon tank to get enough pods" crowd. :lol:

But if you look back, this particular reefkeeper posted personal experience that corroborates the tang police's view on keeping tangs in smaller tanks. My yellow tang is not happy in a 72 gallon...how can I tell? He eats, he's growing, has great skin, great color, grazes all day. I guess by degrees, he's happier than he would be in a 46 gallon and less happy than he would be in a 150 gallon. I know because he bumps the glass in frustration. A while back he was attacking me so much through the glass, non stop, that he irritated the skin around his spike on both sides (I had to rearange the rocks before he calmed down and keeps the attacks down to a couple of times a day). He looks for ways out in all the corners and tries to get behind the overflow. Sometimes he swims so fast from one end of the tank to the other that he bumps right into the glass.

I don't have to be a pet psychic to know what a pissed of or sad fish looks like. :wink:

People don't hear what they want to and they decide that the answer is not an answer to the question. "which tang should I get" "no tang" :you didn't answer my question...which tang?" :lol:


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PeeJ":102gafu1 said:
Now what exactly is a troll?

I always thought it was a person who uses a forum board to advance some agenda not directly related to the forum board or to advertise some other site, board, or product. But someone corrected me and said its a person that posts something just to get a rise out of people or create an argument...IMO something most of us are guilty of.

I don't think he's trolling because making a point is not trolling....but he did waste my time. :x


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This whole thing is assanine. You can put any fish in any tank that fits it. A silver doller size yellow tang is fine in even a 30, but when its 6-7" it needs a 75min (Per Scott Michael's 500 fishes book) . If you want one that stays small try a Kole Tang they top out max 7" so they'll prolly only hit 5 or so. It's all relative. I've seen 2" regals thriving in 30ga tanks but when its 4-5 inches it needs to be moved to a larger tank that's all. What should baby's be given a King size bed because it will eventually grow large enough to need it, no. They get a crib, then a twin when they are bigger, then a king when they are bigger and married. It's all reletive to the size currently as well as the fish keepr's understanding of the ultimate size, and commitment and responsibity to provide it with larger housing as it grows and needs it.

Okay now Flame Away!!!!

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