It is like you are asking if you should the girl over there or the boy over here, and got unhappy when people said that you should shoot neither.DOGMAI":2904ojsr said:Ah yes, the point I was trying to prove has been proven. It was not that I could put any tang I wanted in any size tank it was that a lot of the time when I or someone else post on here asking a specific question the answers we get seem to dwell on everything but the question asked. I specifically asked what type of tang I should put in a 46 BF. I got one reply that actually suggested a type of tang. The rest were too busy telling me that I was wrong to even want to put a tang in that size tank. I’m sorry but it gets a little irritating when I try to find out something specific and I don’t get an answer because the replies are too busy telling me what I did not ask for. If you don’t think I should put a tang in a small tank than don’t post to my question of what type of tang should I put.
Sorry having a bad day.
All you want is a fight here. You just ask a question to bring on a fight, nothing more, and nothing less.
This is not your thread even if you started it. Many people read this, including lots of newbies. If someone answer that you should put a Naso tang in your tank, and nobody challenge that, then a newbies who did not know better would think that it is OK to put a Naso tang in a 46 g tank.
Please stop thinking that just because you start a thread, it is your thread. These BB are information that many people use, not just you. Please don't be offended if people disagree with you. Al you need to do is to argue your point or just leave it and ignore it.
BTW, your type "Sorry having a bad day" but don't mean it at all.