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USAF combat fire protection journeyman is the official title
Pretty much I'm a fire fighter that got alittle extra training and I'm in the airforce


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Manager of a tropical fish wholesaler (marine only-no dry goods). I love my job :D


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Teacher--8th grade literature / reading. Also a photographer in my spare time; I do a lot of the school-related stuff (awards programs, etc.) and am affiliated with the Indianapolis Ice CHL hockey club--shoot about a dozen games a year for them.


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Right now I'm a student at Nazareth College in Rochester. Hopefully in about 5 years I'll be a physical therapist.



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structural steel detailer.

It's rediculously boring. Coupled with the worst CAD package known to man, I feel the rage every morning around 9:00.

But my wife and I are on temporary work visas... so if I were to quit, we'd be stuffed into a cube van and shipped off to the motherland (Canada) I do it everyday for the cheap equipment and corals. :D

Seriously though, job satisfaction is a myth, right?

... Formerly, my wife and I were freelance architectural drafters. I really enjoyed that. We also contributed to textbooks and tested the latest autodesk software.



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What do I do for a living huh? I laoung in bed watching tv and surfing the net's salwater fish sites, I watch my fish swim, take care of my cat and dog.
Ummm bone idleness is a philisophical possition so I guess that makes me a philosopher. :D

Seriously I'm disabled thanx to a back injury and currently don't work nor do I have an income. I make 25bucks aweek pluss cigarettes for doing some chores around here. My parents love my fish so they help there ad will till I get dissability, then Id say my job is Leeche/moioch etc... but it is legit... Also like sea naiden I bring people to Jesus well actually the Holy Spirit does I'm just atool. I really am a tool sometimes too.lol 8O



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I guess I'm the only Techie who lost his cushy job and is now working for Home Depot? Sales associate in the electrical department. And no, you can't just upgrade to the next size breaker and keep the old wiring. :wink: Oh! we're out of that right now, but we're expecting a shipment next week. :lol:

Reading this thread is liking hanging out with my brother-in-law and his lawyer buddies. The big joke is, when we all get together for poker, there is something like $1,020,000 worth of income in one place. Guess who's making the $20,000. :? So much for that MCSE and business degree from USC (that's Southern Cal for those of you in South Caralina).

Thankfully I am starting on my teaching credential and should be able to afford a house here in SO CAL once I get a teachers' salary. I'll wait for the laughing to stop.


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Honestly, I don't think anyone would laugh at your situation. I commend you for even trying to get work that truthfully, a lot of people wouldn't do. I was once an Orchard Supply guy in a past life. Nothing glamorous about that (unless there's a hottie cashier at register 3).

One of the life lessons this hobby teaches us is that there are always going to be ups and downs. If you want to be successful, you do what you can to get there. Sure, not everyone can afford a K2 Pro Calcium Reactor. So, you make due with 2-part additives. Two different paths, but you can find happiness either way. Just don't let-up.

Good luck on your teaching credentials.


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Thank you Reefnutz for the kind words.

Fortunately I have a wife that earns the big bucks and keeps me in aquarium supplies (even though she doesn't know it :twisted: ). I do love my job most of the time, I just wish I could get my store manager to ship a few pallets of southdown to Monrovia. Unfortunately he is a hard-*ss and wants it all paid for before he orders it. 8O

Thanks again,



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das75":288yyhio said:
hey, I'm in Canada and rather like it.

Don't get me wrong, I love it back home, but there were no jobs in Eastern Canada... and the in-laws are in Ontario ;) Moving beyond Ontario was well above what we could afford.

Maybe one day soon.


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