I guess I'm the only Techie who lost his cushy job and is now working for Home Depot? Sales associate in the electrical department. And no, you can't just upgrade to the next size breaker and keep the old wiring. :wink: Oh! we're out of that right now, but we're expecting a shipment next week. :lol:
Reading this thread is liking hanging out with my brother-in-law and his lawyer buddies. The big joke is, when we all get together for poker, there is something like $1,020,000 worth of income in one place. Guess who's making the $20,000. :? So much for that MCSE and business degree from USC (that's Southern Cal for those of you in South Caralina).
Thankfully I am starting on my teaching credential and should be able to afford a house here in SO CAL once I get a teachers' salary. I'll wait for the laughing to stop.