Can the hobby contribute to science? The answer historically is yes.
Consider that the Wright brothers were tinkers and succeeded where the scientists failed. Of course, most of the scientists said that flying was impossible.
It isn’t too surprising that that scientist often poop-poop non-scientists. But considering that it takes science 100-150 years to correct its errors, scientists have reasons to be afraid to admit that they may not be the sole source of knowledge. Like any guild, they must protect the belief that they have superior knowledge/learning/skill to justify they livelihood.
Those of us who have the title of scientist have to be mindful that dedicated men and women who never when to university or who never worked in a research lab created much of the foundation on which we build.
Professional/Scientists work on what they are paid to do. The amateur/hobbyist works on what he/she loves to do. The difference often results in the amateur discovering or extending knowledge. Of course, the amateur is unlikely to get any credit since he/she is unlikely to be published by the scientific guild publications. Some fields like astronomy are more open to input from amateurs and thus it is easier for the amateurs to get credit. Fields like biology are so closed that even within the ranks alternate theories are met with great hostility and rejected.
That doesn’t mean that every amateur does good science. But, it is comforting to realize that one can find a cure for some coral disease even if one doesn’t really know Exactly why it works. Even scientists don’t know why everything works they just can tell you what research has been done :lol: .