Ok, I'm a layman, bear with me. Maybe I'm not expressing myself clearly.
I'm simply talking about mariculturing some corals (not moving them all - just frags) in the areas adjacent to the coral seas. If the waters the corals are in now get too hot for them and lead to El Nino style mass bleaching, then surely the adjoining waters are also warming up? If so, might they then become suitable for coral growth?
I guess my question is partly based on two others.
One: will coral adapt to global warming induced warmer water?
Two: if not, will they spread to cooler water (i.e. the water that up until now has been too cool, but thanks to global warming is now warm enough) naturally? If not, would human attempts to mariculture them on new sites help this spread and maybe preserve some coral diversity for the future.
Seems sensible to a layman. Maybe not to someone with an informed idea of how this would actually work. :?
PS: I guess my question also has a implied focus on reef building coral.