So the reverse Carlson idea got me thinking. I want to engineer a completely new method of making a surge. Here is a thread with diagrams of the reverse Carlson surge device:
Try a little kitchen sink physics experiment. Fill a tub (or tank) up with water. Take a pint glass, submerge it in the tub, and invert it underwater so there are no air bubbles in it. Now lift up the glass above the water surface. The water comes with it, and when you lift the glass up far enough air gets into it, and all the water comes surging out. Should be simple to replicate right?
Now imagine suspending that glass above your tank. To fill it up with water, you would have to suck the air out. When a certain volume of water got into the glass, the water level in the tank would drop enough to allow air in and you get a surge. Increase the volume and make it a 4" PVC tube instead of a pint glass and you have one bomb ass surge
My problem is finding a way to create a very strong negative pressure with air. I'm thinking a vacuum could work but you would need to find a way to vent the water back to the tank. It could be done though. Perhaps a wet/dry vac with the bottom drilled to just flow back into the sump.
Try a little kitchen sink physics experiment. Fill a tub (or tank) up with water. Take a pint glass, submerge it in the tub, and invert it underwater so there are no air bubbles in it. Now lift up the glass above the water surface. The water comes with it, and when you lift the glass up far enough air gets into it, and all the water comes surging out. Should be simple to replicate right?
Now imagine suspending that glass above your tank. To fill it up with water, you would have to suck the air out. When a certain volume of water got into the glass, the water level in the tank would drop enough to allow air in and you get a surge. Increase the volume and make it a 4" PVC tube instead of a pint glass and you have one bomb ass surge
My problem is finding a way to create a very strong negative pressure with air. I'm thinking a vacuum could work but you would need to find a way to vent the water back to the tank. It could be done though. Perhaps a wet/dry vac with the bottom drilled to just flow back into the sump.