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I picked up my tank from Glasscages today. It looks great. This is a 96X25X30 300G reef. It has end overflows with a 1.5" drain and 1" return at each end. It has low iron glass in the front and back. The bottom is 1" thick and the sides are 1/2".

Here are the first photos of the tank setting on the stand.

I'll be posting more pictures and progress continues and time permits.

Feel free to make comments or suggestions. Of course, I have already ordered everything for this setup from the pumps, lighting, skimmers, everything. I'll post a little something about each of them as I install them.

BTW - Mines bigger than yours :P



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A couple of shots from the back. I couln't get far enough away to get it all in one shot.



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Experienced Reefer
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very nice! Keep sending the picts I look forward to seeing it up and running!


Advanced Reefer
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Sweet, how did you pic that puppy up? Has to weigh a ton! Was it shipped to your door?


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Thanks guys.

Ben wrote:

Sweet, how did you pic that puppy up? Has to weigh a ton! Was it shipped to your door?

Glasscages has a deal to where if you pic up your tank at one of their shows (exotic retile shows), shipping is $100. I rented a 6X12 U-haul trailer and drove to their show in Orlando. That's a 3 hour drive. The U-Haul trailer was $40 for the day. They loaded into my trailer. I had myself and 7 buddies to unload it. It was tough, but not that tough. I will sleep well tonight knowing we have it set. :D



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They charge you shipping even though you pick it up? geeeze.. that's about as lame as the destination charge for cars when the car is already at the place you're going to buy it :)


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They charge you shipping even though you pick it up? geeeze.. that's about as lame as the destination charge for cars when the car is already at the place you're going to buy it

Of course they charge you. They are in Tennessee, I am in south Florida. They brought my tank to within a 3 hour drive. They are only there because enough people are meeting there to make it worthwhile for everyone. The only other option is to pay motorfreight to your door ($400-$500). It's a good deal to meet them if you can. It saved me a few hundred dollahs. :D



Advanced Reefer
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Looks great Louey!!!

Why did you go with low iron glass on the back? Is it going to be viewable from both sides?

Keep us updated!


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Nathan said:

Why did you go with low iron glass on the back? Is it going to be viewable from both sides?

I'm not sure if I am going to leave the back side viewable or not. I like the idea of seeing it from both sides, but I am afraid that what's viewable in the "fish room" might distract from the view from the front. The upcharge to low iron glass was $125 for each side. Since that's not alot of money we decided to just go ahead and get it for both.



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Here's a couple of pictures of my sump. It's a 48X24X31 150G tank also made by Glasscages. I think everyone except Nathan will think that this is a huge sump. :wink:

There are holes drilled in the bottom of each section of the sump. My idea about have such a large sump, one with a high running level, is to facilitate a large water change by simply draining the sump and refilling. I plan to have this set up to where a 125G WC can be done in 1/2 hour or so. It takes me longer that that to do a 25G WC on my 75G tank. We'll see how this works out once it's all installed.


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Louey, awesome tank man. Keep up the pics!

Nice Tile in that room, I like the look.

How big is the fish room?


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Looking great, Louey...lots of envy here for you, ya lucky dude! :D


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Bryan said:

Louey, awesome tank man. Keep up the pics!

Nice Tile in that room, I like the look.

How big is the fish room?

The tile has a slate look to it. We like it alot too. Thanks.

The fish room is 10X14.


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