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Robwsup said:
Just the fact that he never stops swimming makes me discount that he is a goby. What goby, besides bar or scissortail types, looks like this but does not perch?

I would have to agree even though the pictures make him look like a goby.


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I would say at first glance, and by the pics alone it first appeared to be a goby with a color variation/morph, as others have said. But after seeing the video I think its a clown.


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jimb01414":1c2dmtfh said:
who ever would think that it would be a goby are retarted.

has anyone else ever noticed how those that like to belittle and insult on this board cannot seem to form clear sentences and/or spell?

i thought it was a goby as well upon first viewing it... i suppose i "think that it would be", so am i "retarted"? :lol:

i find it hard to believe that you are unable to see the similiarity.
...but then each of us do have varying mental capacities :wink:


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ermm but why don't we try it with an anemone?(maybe there is a reason to not putting the anemone so my apologists if I said something wrong.)


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It has an identical shape as a Clown Goby but too many Dorsal fins :)

At fist glance it really looked like a Clown Goby to me.

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