Once he grabbed on to my yellow tang. The tang then dragged him 1/2 way across the tank before the CBS let go. Other pincher and legs waving in the breeze.
I have noticed the bristle worms have flourished since we removed him. And he did eat the worms all the time. So go figure.
OMG, I just got a CBS yesterday and let it loose in my 90 gal. I was hoping it will make a dent in my bristle worms (as my royal gramma can only eat so much every day).
It is true, it looks very nice, I hope it will be in the "nice" category. BTW, it is "named" (Ana).
My CBS actually lunged at and caught a newly added green chromis in my old 20H (no more green chromis, actually caught and killed 2 altogether, I witnessed one). I still have that shrimp, but don't trust him one bit. It steals food from my corals when I spot feed and well darn it I like my bristle worms, they are good cleaners too....
As soon as I get the $$ together he's going in another tank.
He's been more agressive recently after moving some rock around to get rid of some algae, and my cinammon clown and pearlscale show small nips in their fins. Likely he's been grabbing em but can't hold on.
Caught him eating a huge bristleworm last night. Chased him around a bit and recovered each 1/2 and tucked em under a rock. He was appeased with a piece of squid