Martin, thank for your reply. I have that book, very inspiring. I also have Michaels Reef Fishes that has a section of different biotopes, including a mangrove/seagrass lagoon. I was just wondering if anyone here had a planted tank...
Mihai, I have found since beginning this project that if I provide the nutrients that the macros need, they are able to utilize the stinkin PO4 better, so my nutrient level has actually decreased. At the same time, I have been able to feed my fish more than ever! My SPS have never seemed healthier, although my slow growers are still slow growers and my fast growers seem the same. But, color wise, I can't tell any difference!
Burntom, I have a ton of amphopods,copepods, worms and crawly things in my sump, but in the main display, where there is a lot of sexy algae, I rarely see one! They are quickly consumed. I have to feed the seahorses and sunpolyps frequently. I harvest frequently, mostly after a crappy day at work, but I don't call it harvesting. I'm pruning! It's very stress relieving! I make a rumNcoke, whip out my scissors and tweezers and in a bit, I've completely forgotten about MDs and sick people and traffic! But, I think I might actually harvest less than you might think, and much less than my tangs in another tank can consume. I still have to give them piece of Nori on the magfloat every day.
This pic is a few months old. I'll get a better one as soon as I replace the yellow HD LOA light I have. This tank is still in it's infancy and I am still learning aquascaping concepts so it is not too cool yet. I do have high hopes for it, though.