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So, it sounds like my clown is trying to host with my leather. Since that is not gonna happen we decided to get an anemone for it to host with. Now the question becomes what kind do we get. we are little scared from what we have read about them stinging other corals and fish and such. A Quick rundown on what have is
115 lbs of live rock
1 umbrella leather
1 kenya tree coral
1 rock with mushrooms
2 rocks with button polyps
1 brittle star
1 orange star
1 psuedochromis
1 mandrin goby
1 maroon clown
2 emerald crabs
2 hermit crabs
20 or so snails
in a 55g tanks

any suggetions on what kinda anenome to get to host the clown?




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Upstate NY
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A BTA (E. quadricolor) is a natural host for the Maroon. I would try to get a captive propagated one (pretty easy to find these days).

What kind of lighting do you have?


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BTAs are good, but may wander. My tomato hosts in a bubble coral and used to host in a toadstool leather.


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We went and got one today put it in the tank and within 5 minutes the clown was hosted inside of it.

I thank you! my leather thanks you and I am sure my clown thanks you all for all your help!!

oh and we have Corallife compacts



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Upstate NY
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Sounds good - just make sure you've got enough light (you didn't mention how many PC lamps or what wattage). Also, don't forget to target feed the anemone periodically. If you do a search here on the board you should be able to find a lot of information about their care.


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I second Chris's thoughts on doing a little reading- there is also a very cheap ($9.00) and good book "Host Anemone Secrets" by Ron Shimek:

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/096645 ... oding=UTF8

It will give you some great advice on feeding and care and what to expect. Feed at least once a week, if not every other day, and feed the entire prey item- whole fish or shrimp (shrimp are better for BTA's) rather than just chopped meat or peeled shrimp.

Thanks, Peter


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Thanks for all the help guys, we have the Coralife 48" bulbs with 175W

I will check out that book as well


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IMO thats not enough light to keep the anemone long term. Try to keep the anemone high up in the water column closer to the lights. The anemone may walk around trying to find a spot it likes. Anyway, read up about them and you'll be successful. Good luck


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Meloco14":3inltp48 said:
IMO thats not enough light to keep the anemone long term. Try to keep the anemone high up in the water column closer to the lights. The anemone may walk around trying to find a spot it likes. Anyway, read up about them and you'll be successful. Good luck

We have our MH light setup ready just gotta get the bulb..

its a mugal base 250w..jsut a bulb away :)


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As far as lighting I've been considering setting up a 10g in my office with a Coralife quad PC fixture. I think its 96 or 98 w.. cant remember which. 7-8wpg should fine for a 10g i think. Particularly if youre going with a BTA. I've never had trouble with mine wandering. I know its up to the specific anemone though. They will get fairly large too, so leave room to grow.


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